Geek Native author, streamer and professional GM Ben Jackson-Ellery have been sharing insight, advice and tips on running tabletop games for many years.

Welcome to the archive. The table below is a searchable index of Genre Police articles, with a keyword column and a quick link to where you can find the full article.
RPG Tips
Article | Type | Keywords |
The Many Faces Of Evil | rpg tips | npcs, techniques, examples, characters |
So Bad, It's Good | rpg tips | npcs, techniques, examples, characters |
Choose Your Own Adventures | rpg tips | fantasy, sci-fi, horror, superhero |
New Horizons | rpg tips | longevity, groups, planning, campaigns |
That Difficult Second Album | rpg tips | campaigns, techniques, groups, continuity |
Tangled Up In Blue | rpg tips | safety, romance, characters, immersion |
Deep Think | rpg tips | safety, groups, immersion, techniques |
Life Map | rpg tips | techniques, examples, continuity, campaigns |
Parallel Play | rpg tips | techniques, campaigns, structure, continuity |
Strange Brew | rpg tips | techniques, language, groups, players |
Genre Police: To Cool For School | rpg tips | techniques, scenes, planning, narrative |
Not The Destination, but the journey | rpg tips | techniques, scenes, planning, narrative |
Sand in the Eyes | rpg tips | techniques, world building, planning, longevity |
Staying on Track | rpg tips | techniques, groups, players, planning |
Meta-Lurgy | rpg tips | players, techniques, groups, safety |
Keep On Marching | rpg tips | techniques, groups, players, planning |
Towards a shared language | rpg tips | techniques, groups, players, planning |
Just the Two of Us | rpg tips | techniques, players, scenes, d&d |
Dialing Back In | rpg tips | groups, players, techniques, planning |
Storming the Dungeon | rpg tips | groups, techniques, players, campaigns |
Player Roles | rpg tips | techniques, players, campaigns, groups |
The Resource That Talks | rpg tips | players, techniques, art, campaigns |
Risk assessment | rpg tips | safety, groups, dark, techniques |
Stay safe | rpg tips | scenes, techniques, safety, groups, |
Safety Dance | rpg tips | dark, scenes, techniques, safety |
Working from the same Playbook | rpg tips | techniques, character, world building, planning |
Character Creation Stories | rpg genre advice, rpg tips | techniques, planning, mortality, character |
Bring Me the Horizon | rpg tips | techniques, d&d, adventure, fantasy |
The Social Dilemma | rpg tips | scenes, techniques, social, d&d |
Combative Behaviour | rpg tips | scenes, techniques, combat, d&d |
Benji Vs The D | rpg debates | techniques, experience, d&d, social |
Character Study | rpg tips | techniques, structure, campaigns, world building |
Character Assassination | rpg tips | dark, morality, scenes, techniques |
Take The Power Back | rpg tips | narrative, scenes, techniques, planning |
Elsa Was Right | rpg tips | narrative, scenes, techniques, planning |
One More Time | rpg tips | time, techniques, campaigns, scenes |
Time After Time | rpg tips | techniques, time, scenes, campaigns |
Time Stand Still | rpg tips | techniques, time, scenes, campaigns, |
Deep Time | rpg tips | techniques, suspense, time, scenes, |
The Quickie | rpg tips | techniques, groups, planning, structure |
Going the Distance | rpg tips | techniques, planning, groups, physical |
Coming Up Short | rpg tips | techniques,longevity,one shot,structure |
The Long Game | rpg tips | techniques, longevity, campaign, structure |
Serial Killer | rpg tips | techniques, world building, structure, continuity |
Please, Continue | rpg tips | techniques, world building, structure, continuity |
A Structured Argument | rpg tips | techniques, world building, structure |
Filling in your blank canvas | rpg tips | inspiration, techniques, illustration, world building |
Dropping the ‘TT’ | rpg tips | inspiration, techniques, physical |
Let’s Get Physical | rpg tips | music, inspiration, techniques, physical |
The Beat Goes On | rpg tips | music, inspiration, techniques, |
Out of the Box Thinking | rpg tips | structure, techniques, world building, inspiration |
Remembering the G | rpg tips | structure, techniques, world building, inspiration |
When In Rome… Steal From this column! | rpg tips | history, world building, campaigns, roman |
It Came From The Cinema Screen! | rpg genre advice | horror, comic book, adventure, conspiracy |
The Truth Is Out There… Somewhere | rpg genre advice | conspiracy, suspense, spy, police |
The Flasher In the Jitty | rpg genre advice | horror, police, suspense, conspiracy |
Horror Redux – Revenge of the sub-genres | rpg genre advice | horror, suspense, police, dark |
It’s Thriller Time | rpg genre advice | spy, mystery, conspiracy, suspense |
It’s A Disaster | rpg genre advice | adventure, horror, survival, disaster |
We’re All Out Of Bubblegum | rpg genre advice | feng shui, police, spy, adventure |
No Am, All Dram | rpg genre advice, rpg tips | techniques, shakespeare, adventure, oppression |
This Water Is Not Window | rpg genre advice, rpg tips | surreal, inspiration, illustration, techniques |
Sir, Reality | rpg genre advice, rpg tips | surreal, techniques, fantasy, fairy tale |
Party Like It’s 1984 | rpg genre advice | dystopia, war, dark, conspiracy |
RP in the High Castle | rpg genre advice | fantasy, history, dystopia, superhero |
Once More Unto The Breach | rpg tips | shakespeare, history, myth, morality |
The (Role)play’s The Thing | rpg tips | shakespeare, romance, comedy, |
Is this a DM I see before me? | rpg tips | shakespeare, dark, tradegy, history |
Sonnets & Sorcerers | rpg tips | shakespeare, mortality, history, tradegy |
A Different Kind Of Fantasy | rpg genre advice | romance, history, mystery, morality |
Drugs & Dystopias | rpg genre advice | dystopia, mystery, adventure, morality |
The Kids Are All Right | rpg genre advice | history, family, adventure, suspense |
Power Word: R.K.O | rpg genre advice | wrestling, adventure, suspense, sports |
Literary Genie-Us | rpg genre advice | myth, arabian, morality, pirate |
How Grim To Grimm? | rpg genre advice | fairy tale, dark, mystery, horror |
Nowt As Strange As Folk | rpg genre advice | myth, history, mystery, fairy tale |
I Believe In Father Christmas | rpg genre advice | myth, mystery, family, adventure |
Actual Police | rpg genre advice | police, spy, mystery, adventure |
The Spy Who Critted Me | rpg genre advice | romance, history, spy, mystery |
Where DM’s Dare | rpg genre advice | war, history, sci-fi, spy |
Pouches & Punishment! | rpg genre advice | superhero, dark, police, comic book |
A Change Is Gonna Come | rpg genre advice | superhero, history, adventure, comic book |
Look, Up In The Sky! | rpg genre advice | superhero, mutant, police, comic book |
Pulp Fiction(s)? | rpg genre advice | pulp, history, war, adventure |
Trenchcoats & Tragedy | rpg genre advice | noir, detective, mystery, gumshoe |
You Call it Wuxia, I call it Wushu | rpg genre advice | history, wuxia, ninja, feng shui |
Eventually We Had To Mention Katanas | rpg genre advice | samurai, history, chanbara, jadepunk |
The Only Good Pirate Is A Fake Pirate | rpg genre advice | pirate, sea, history, adventure |
The Sum Of All Fears | rpg genre advice | post-apocalypse, sci-fi, mutant, survival |
Taking Up Space? | rpg genre advice | sci-fi, space opera, star trek, star wars |
Showdown At High Noon | rpg genre advice | western, history, cowboy, deadlands |
Crafted By Love | rpg genre advice | cosmic, horror, lovecraft, cthulhu |
Blogpost Of Vile Darkness | rpg genre advice | splatterhunk, horror, gore, werewolf |
Oh The Horror! | rpg genre advice | horror, sci-fi, fear, suspense |
Gothpunk: The Learnering | rpg genre advice | gothpunk, vampire, dark, history |
Getting Steamy | rpg genre advice | steampunk, victoriana, history, invention |
The Mother Of All Punks! | rpg genre advice | cyberpunk, sci-fi, dark, shadowrun |
Than Just Semi-Nudes – Sword & Sorcery | rpg genre advice | fantasy, sword & sorcery, morality, classics |
Alienating half my readership by choosing High Fantasy! | rpg genre advice | fantasy, high fantasy, dungeons & dragons, star wars |
Down And Dirty With Grimdark | rpg genre advice | grimdark, dark, warhammer, oppression, |
Go Mythic, Or Go Home! | rpg genre advice | myth, mythic fantasy, legends |
Unstoppable Evil | rpg tips | npcs, techniques, example, characters |
In Defence of the Monster | rpg tips | npcs, techniques, example, characters |
Siege Mentality | rpg tips | techniques, planning, immersion, campaigns |
Alternatively, you can scroll through the Genre Police tags archive for thumbnails and teasers for each article.
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