Okay, this technology is new to me, and it’s evolution, not revolution, but even if I’m late to the game, I am still impressed.
Frame-Touch: Turn your regular TV into a gaming table
The world may be scary, but you can now get very large flat-screen TVs for hundreds, not thousands, of bucks. Perhaps you’ll do just that over Christmas or in the January sales.
The best Black Friday Ring doorbell tip I ever got
Amazon has put forward Ring doorbells for large Black Friday sales.
Prime Day cybersecurity risks grow to worrying levels
In the United States, Cyber Security Awareness Month is in October. So is Amazon’s Big Heckin’ Two-Day Prime Day. The two overlap!
Big Heckin’ Two-Day Prime Day: Tech Deals
It’s Big Heckin’ Two-Day Prime Day once more, and do we have some tech deals for you?! Yes, we do. Otherwise this post wouldn’t exist. Right, on with it, then. We’re going to be updating this post throughout the day with some of the best tech deals we can find on Amazon Prime, so check […]
Dungeons NOT Dating offers a castle getaway and not-Tinder for D&D
Rachel argues that adventures and escapism in TTRPGs have become more desirable and less accessible over the years. Do you disagree?
Adam Bradford (ex D&D Beyond and Demiplane) joins Fantasy Grounds
D&D Beyond founder Adam Bradford has left Demiplane to join SmiteWorks, the company that makes Fantasy Grounds.
Shadowdark RPG arrives on Fantasy Grounds VTT
The best tabletop RPGs seem to have their own moments when the groundswell of support grows large enough for everyone to notice.
Calling all mapmakers: The ProFantasy Megabundle has landed!
Are you a seasoned Dungeon Master looking to elevate your campaigns?
The world’s first digital miniature: Doppel persuades the Kickstarter to back a TTRPG hardware project
Doppel is more than hardware, although that mini display you move around the battlemap is the hero element because there are iOS and Android app companions.