The purpose of this page is to highlight corrections, updates and edits made to posts on Geek Native.
As stated in Geek Native’s accuracy policy, this blog will always try to be factually correct. Please let us know if you see an error. The blog does, however, post opinions. If you disagree with an opinion, you are welcome to leave a comment.

This page was added in 2020 and backdated by one month.
January 2025
- The original .dungeon referred to Snow using an old name baked into their Kickstarter profile and Itch URL.
- We speculated (and called it such) in ANVL: New owner for the 3d mini printing site that “Derek K” was Derek Konyshak. It was not.
- Bronwen published a UK release date for Renner as being 21st January. This information was wrong, and the article has since been updated with this false info removed.
December 2023
- The best selling modern RPGs published on DriveThruRPG 2023 – The original post said Tome of the Pentacle was a supplement for Hunter: The Vigil but it is actually one for Mage the Awakening: 2nd Edition.
November 2023
- Scotland Loves Anime 2023 winners: Jury and Audience split as organisers promise a voting review – Headline corrected from 2024 to 2023.
August 2023
- Null Signal Games: On being a Phoenix company, the future of Netrunner and going to Tabletop Scotland – The original article used the word “charity” to describe Null Signal Games’ non-profit status. Other changes included clarifying that Ronan, not Ed, would attend Tabletop Scotland, dropping the patron link
and that “Phoenix company”is my term. Good news; the championship
May 2023
- Sneak Hydrate – zero caffeine gamer juice, right? – Updated with new information from Sneak Energy that Hydrate will not be sold on Amazon. Geek Native also corrected typos on mg amounts.
April 2023
- Hasbro removes artist’s signature from D&D movie poster – Hasbro owns D&D and eOne (or did) which made and produced Honour Among Thieves, but Paramount Pictures distributed the film. While Hasbro had creative control, we don’t know for sure which company rubberstamped the removal of Jeff Easley’s signature, so we’ve updated the post to say so.
- Geek Native Patron gift: Neurocity indie RPG – updated to be sure no one thinks they’re getting the not yet published hardback exclusive 2e of the game as a patron gift, rather than the published first edition PDF.
- Harrow – The Blighted Plane: Fantasy meets post-apocalypse meets crystal punk for the Cypher System – Clarity that additional Cypher System books are unnecessary and fixed a typo on Kayla Bayens’ name.
March 2023
- Niantic stats update: Pokemon Go is still strong, but how is Ingress Prime doing? – Clarity on the data being US only.
January 2023
- Project Phoenix – Article updated to replace Bastion Press with Paizo.
- RPG Publisher Spotlight: Handiwork Games – An addendum to reflect the rapidly changing view of WotC for the OGL drama.
December 2022
- Steve Jackson has designed seeds for the Rose Labyrinth – The original article placed Liz Danforth at the wrong companies and wrong games.
November 2022
- TableTone, an Interactive Audio App for GMs smashes Kickstarter goals – the original article said a subscription model would be offered in the future. This was incorrect.
- Mind-boggling! 89% of Americans do not password-protect their wi-fi – the lead 89% figure has been recanted, but the others remain.
August 2022
- Knights of the Dinner table charge into bundle action – This article incorrectly used the phrase “charity bundle” in the title; it is not.
- What is a D&D playspace? – This article incorrectly said the D&D Beyond Playspace would use Unity. WotC said Unreal Engine.
July 2022
- Roll20 joins with DriveThruRPG and DMsGuild’s OneBookShelf to form a joint venture – A new Publisher FAQ sheds extra light on the fate of Astral Tabletop and Fantasy Grounds, which resulted in updates to the article.
June 2022
- Free Star Trek Adventure supplement adds psionic missions and psychic incursions – Embarrassingly, the original headline said “Star Wars”, not “Star Trek”.
May 2022
- RPG Publisher Spotlight: Sixel Publishing – Original article said that Sixel Publishing was set up after the pandemic; it was before.
March 2022
- Siberian spiked armour – Snopes notes this claim is “Unproven”, and so the article has been updated accordingly.
- $15 million for Brandon Sanderson’s “lies” – The top tier was listed at $5,000 on the blog post; is now $500.
- Sci-Fi Toolkits: Early bird deals for Roll & Play Press latest crowdfunded project – Fixed an £8/£18 typo and added clarity to the £35 tier.
December 2021
- TSR sue Wizards of the Coast and want your money to pay the lawyers – The original article’s final paragraph included the phrase “having lost Stephen Dinehart and Giantlands who quit the project” and now reads “having lost Stephen Dinehart and Giantlands who exited the project”. The change was made due to a request from TSR, who stated Dinehart was released from his publishing contract.
- Carbon 2185 publisher promises action after Dragonmeet abuse allegations – updated with information from Dragonmeet to confirm they’ve been working with Dragon Turtle Games and were not made aware of the incident until after the event.
August 2021
- Hasbro approve the release of the Essence 20 RPG system – The original article said “Hasbro released” rather than “Hasbro approve”.
July 2021
- Audio EXP: #106 – The pressure on D&D, Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro – In this podcast, I share the inference that Magnetic Press Play’s licensed D6 System conversions and supplements will include Call of Cthulhu. While MPP is believed to be working on CoC, Geek Native now understands that that project is not one of the D6 System conversions.
- Gold-plated mythos models among the rewards for Cthulhu Rises – A reference to a third-party brand not involved with this campaign was removed from this article on request.
- The Rubik’s Cube inventor is 77 today, and here’s a 768 Cube birthday card – The original article incorrectly said it was the Cube’s 77th birthday. It’s not. The Cube turns 41 later this year.
June 2021
- On track? Call of Cthulhu Classic on the way to be the first $1m Cthulhu RPG – Updated to include the $561,835 Call of Cthulhu 7e campaign.
- The new TSR Games clarify position as key names appeared to distance themselves – In an update to ongoing story, TSR Games is distancing themselves from E. Gary Gygax Jr.
May 2021
- Amazon’s The Tomorrow War YouTube trailer targeted by clickjacking hackers – Updated to include the copy-paste hypothesis.
- D&D movie synopsis discovered in legal documents – Developments in this story bring the synopsis’ accuracy into dispute.
April 2021
- Roll20 to increase prices, offering a 2-year lock-in before they do – An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that the price rise was from $5.99 to $10.99, nearly double.
- Geek Native Patron gift: Beowulf RPG merch! – An earlier version of this post linked the pin-badge to the limited dice. In fact, this pin-badge isn’t possible to buy at all. It’s the one shown and not for retail.
March 2021
- Shadow of Mogg – A Post Brexit RPG comes with rules for group anxiety – Updated to include Manic Productions links.
January 2021
- Where horror writes itself: Backwater – Southern Gothic Horror – Backwater will offer the hardback as an add-on.
- Post-apocalyptic fantasy Out of Ashes rises on Kickstarter – Jon Hodgson’s role at Cubicle 7 corrected from art director to creative director.
- For the third year in a row, Dune is one of the most anticipated RPG of the year – Article originally said Dune had the top slot for 3 years; whereas it’s 2 years and a 6th place. Level Up will be a standalone RPG.
November 2020
- Heroes of the Cypher System races to $100,000 as Monte Cook Games flies into superheroes – Claim the Sky was incorrectly stated as a 448-page book; it should be 224-pages.
October 2020
- Family RPG adventures with WanderSquares – The Underwood Tunnels – Updated to show new shipping (adding Canada, UK and EU) for the Kickstarter.
September 2020
- The HeroQuest RPG rebrands as QuestWorlds – Updated to include a summary of Michael O’Brien’s HeroQuest interview.
- Avalon Hill wants $1,000,000 to make a new HeroQuest – updated to include Chaosium’s trademark transfer.
- Strata Miniatures’ competition reveals Wave 2 of combat wheelchair minis – prize details corrected.
August 2020
- RPG Publisher Spotlight: Trollhalla Press – Article previously said “Rick Loomis … purchased the rights to Tunnels & Trolls” and now uses the phrase “handshake partnership, securing permission to publish T&T material”.
- ICv2’s latest best-selling RPG chart is full of mysteries – Updated to point out that many classic Cyberpunk 2020 books are still in print and may be contributing to the sales totals.
July 2020
- Is there HeroQuest board game relaunch coming? – Added confirmation from Chaosium that Questworlds is the name of the SRD; not the game.
- Old D&D products carry a new disclaimer on the DMs Guild – Updated to include Wizards of the Coast’s social media statement explaining the change.
June 2020
- ENnies 2020 nominee will refuse any awards until organisers address 2017 controversy – Received information from the ENnies to point out leadership and policy changes since 2017 and that entry to the awards are voluntary
- Free to Download: Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 7th printing – article originally said 7th edition, when it should have been 7th printing.
- Free samples of Fantastic Lairs spurs Kickstarter campaign on – The “Half-Dragon Knight” was incorrectly called a “Dragonborn Knight”.
May 2020
- 20% off as Dungeon Masters Guild and Storytellers Vault Play It Forward – Updated to clarify only downloads 30 days old get 20% off.
- The new Free RPG Day team announce their 2020 partners – This article has been updated because Free RPG Day was given a new post-COVID date.
April 2020
- Crunchyroll releases Winter 2020 stats; Black Clover dominates – headline briefly said 2019, not 2020.
March 2020
- UK Games Expo delayed because of Covid-19 – Tabletop Scotland will reschedule to avoid the clash.
- Free to Download: R. Talsorian Games makes Teenagers from Outerspace free for a while – Post initially said the game came out in 97, but that was for the third edition, Teenagers from Outerspace first edition dates to 1987.
- Red Thread of Fate, the tabletop game about lovers, finally launches on Kickstarter – Chaosium has cancelled the Kickstarter, citing Covid-19.
- Adventures in Dugatai: The Mystic East 5e adventure shuttered at birth – Jetpack 7 has confirmed the project has definitely been cancelled.
February 2020
- Goodman Games avoids Judges Guild payments; donates to charity – Fixed a typo in the first paragraph ‘espousing’ replacing the incorrect ‘exposing’.
- RPG publishers cut ties with the Judges Guild Game Company after bigotry expose – An update to this post merges two sentences to make it clear that Frog God Games have had nothing to do with the Overlord Kickstarter except provide some rescue funds.
- Hunters Kickstart the Altered Carbon RPG – Hunters confirmed they meant ‘hardback’ when they said ‘hardcopy’.
January 2020
- Beasts and Barbarians return to the Bundle of Holding – The original article incorrectly stated Humble Bundle, instead of the Bundle of Holding.
- Do these dice say 100 or 10? – The “Singles Before Tens” table was updated with the right example.
- D&D leak: Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount with Matthew Mercer – Updated with the cover illustration for the book, which ‘leaked’ via a Barnes & Noble page.
- The incredible gold value of a silk caravan in D&D – Updated to reflect expert advice; a yard of silk is not always 36 x 36. This brings the value of the caravan down.
- Free Content Friday: Hunters Entertainment ramps up the free RPG giveaways – Corrected: Free Content Friday is not every Friday; it’s the first Friday of the month.
December 2019
- DriveThruRPG’s best selling RPGs of the decade – Added ‘DriveThruRPG’ to the title.
- D&D character sheets for players with dyslexia – Updated to keep track with the changes made to the character sheets by the original designers.
- Wind Rose: Diggy Diggy Hole – Updated to show that Wind Rose’s version of Diggy Diggy Hole is a cover.
- The other best selling fantasy RPGs of 2019 – We discovered the data DriveThruRPG had provided was for products published in 2019 only. The post was updated accordingly, and the change highlighted.
- The best selling sci-fi RPGs of 2019 – We discovered the data DriveThruRPG had provided was for products published in 2019 only. The post was updated accordingly, and the change highlighted.
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