The 2018 hit for Savage Worlds is back on the Bundle of Holding, and it is raising money for Ocean Conservancy.
Like most bundles, Beasts & Barbarians comes in two parts. There’s the Starter Edition and then if you can beat the threshold price, a Bonus Collection. The Bonus collection is the average all the money pledged to the bundle, which means it creeps upwards as more people are tempted by the Bonus Collection and donating to charity.
You can check out the details over at the Bundle of Holding.
Starter Collection
The Starter Collection costs $12.95 and has the following GRAmel books in it.
- Beasts & Barbarians
- Beasts of the Dominions
- Soul in the Water
- Beasts & Barbarians GM Screen
- Beasts & Barbarians Figure Flats
Bonus Collection
At the time of writing, the Threshold price is $25.22, and that’s after 117 bundles sold for a total of $3,028. Also from GRAmel, the Bonus Collection holds;
- Dark Places of the Dominions
- Three B&B character books
- Jalizar, City of Thieves
- Tricarnia – Land of Princes and Demons
- Enyia’s Song
- Trollhunt
Update: This article originally said Humble Bundle when it should have been the Bundle of Holding. Oops.
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