Chaosium is republishing its classic Call of Cthulhu boxed collections with the assistance of the Kickstarter community. The campaign target is thrashed, and while it’s early days and highly likely to change, Kicktraq suggests the $1,000,000 line will be crossed.
CMON’s board game “Cthulhu: Death May Die” nearly hit $2.5m, but the highest Cthulhu-themed (mentioned in the synopsis) RPG is Arc Dream’s Delta Green which made $0.36m. Chaosium is already nearly there, and with more than two weeks still to go. You can see the latest total on Kickstarter.
Correction: 7th July – Ahem, Call of Cthulhu 7e made $561, 836. That campaign seems to be being suppressed in Kickstarter’s search engine, but it’s there, and I should have remembered.
The campaign is timed to celebrate Call of Cthulhu’s 40th anniversary of the Lovecraftian horror RPG.
There’s an original sized box, a large one, and since the publisher is packing both, you can double-up and buy all the editions. The contents of the classic 2″ box are;
- SHADOWS OF YOG SOTHOTH (80 pages), a global campaign to save mankind. The first of its kind.
- THE ASYLUM & OTHER TALES (72 pages), seven shorter sinister scenarios set around the world and at sea.
- CTHULHU COMPANION (64 pages), four scenarios as well as added rules and source material.
- TRAIL OF THE TSATHOGGHUA (64 pages), a mini campaign of two scenarios, plus a third adventure. It’s world spanning, and thus all over the place.
- FRAGMENTS OF FEAR (72 pages), additional gods, background, and other material, as well as a bonus scenario.
The first reward tier costs $40 and delivers the 1″ box with the 2nd edition rules. The PDFs are also included.
If you’re just looking for digital editions to bring your library up to see, the box set rules and 5 supplements are $49.
Call of Cthulhu’s “full classic” 2-inch box set, with physical supplements, and the PDFs $99. Worldwide shipping is possible but priced later.
The signed limited edition has sold out, but there are higher tiers.
Stretch goals have added Keeper Screens, dice and the Arkham poster map will soon follow.
The digital downloads are estimated for August and the physical boxed sets in November this year in terms of delivery.