The retail value here is $88, and it includes the Nordic horror Vaesen, the sci-fi Coriolis, the post-apocalyptic Mutant Year Zero and hexcrawl Forbidden Lands.
Game Designers’ Workshop’s 80s classic RPG 2300 AD bundles an offer
Specifically, 2300 AD is set 300 years after the Twilight War, and you can grab it between now and Monday the 23rd from the Bundle of Holding.
YZ Worldbuilding: Twilight: 2000
World War III has ended, and everyone lost. The PCs, caught up in the final battle, flee the carnage.
UKGE 2022 Awards: The best RPGs and board games of the year
The UK’s largest and one of the most significant gaming conventions in Europe is over, and the UK Games Expo is done for another year. The busy event has many attractions, one of which is the influential UK Games Expo Awards. The UKGE 2022 Awards has two categories, Judges and People, which means two winners […]
Genre Police: Choose Your Own Adventure(s)
Last time we talked about new RPGs and how to get players to try them. But how do you even begin to work out what you want to play?
Twilight: 2000 4e gets its first expansion with Urban Operations
Your goal, beyond surviving for another day, can be to find a way back home, rally people to your ranks, and find out more about the mysterious Operation Reset.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #134
It’s the first RPG news round-up of 2022, so welcome to Routinely Itemised.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #105
It’s the run-up to D&D Live 2021, and Wizards of the Coast find themselves in hot water. Renegade and Paradox have pushed turbo on Vampire: The Masquerade, and while Kickstarter activity is down in launches, it’s up in requests.
Twilight: 2000 available for pre-orders as Free League Publishing showcase supplements and prices
After a very successful Kickstarter, one that funded in 7 minutes, Free League Publishing and their partners GDW and Amargosa Press are taking pre-orders on Twilight: 2000.
Twilight: 2000 version 1 available at DriveThruRPG (and on sale)
Published first in 1984, the RPG is set after the Twilight War, in which NATO and the United States battled the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact in a lengthy, brutal but conventional war. Until things went nuclear.