Welcome to another Routinely Itemised collection of RPG News.

The number of online geeky or RPG conventions grew so large in the last week that Geek Native launched a conventions calendar. Yeah, it’s an embedded Google Calendar. If you’ve convention news or corrections, please get in touch.
The new (or returning) RPG announcements continue apace with the likes of Free League Publishing and an alliance of partners coming together to tackle the 4th edition of Twilight: 2000 and Rock Manor Games’ board game Maximum Apocalypse getting an RPG too.
Fans have been busily adding system and setting specific character sheets to the world-building site World Anvil, and Petersen Games are trying a subscription model for 5e adventures.
Routinely Itemised includes news from outside Geek Native and sites like Dicebreaker are busily keeping up with the community too. Critical Role features heavily in their stories this week, and that will surely interest people.
How’s that for a quick summary? If you fancy more detail, then scroll through the bullet points of RPG news, by section, below.
RPG news from Geek Native
- DriveThruRPG has three charity bundles in which less than $20 gets you $600 worth of RPG goodies.
- Wizards of the Coast have released another round of D&D playtesting with Unearthed Arcana.
- Free League Publishing and partners have announced plans to Kickstart Twilight: 2000 4e.
- R. Talsorian Games will soon publish the “monster manual” The Witchers’ Journal.
- There’s another official D&D My Little Pony mashup coming.
- RiotMinds has announced their flagship RPG Trudvang will launch a 5e version with Trudvang Adventures.
- Rock Manor Games has announced the Maximum Apocalypse RPG.
- Petersen Games offer up a $20 monthly subscription to Mythos Saga for 5e.
- The Play It Forward initiative has helped pay rent.
- Felicia Day’s The Guild will return for four more D&D streams.
- Ursidice’s latest game is about taking the neighbourhood back as a magical cat.
- World Anvil has been adding RPG character sheets at an impressive rate.
- Grimmerspace the dark Starfinder setting is open for public playtest.
RPG news from around the web

- On Twitter, Paizo confirmed they are not planning on making new material for Pathfinder 1e.
- Keith Baker shares Exploring Eberron’s The Thunder Sea.
- Jared Rascher at Gnome Stew reviews Threefold.
- Kobold Press has released Complete KOBOLD Guide to Game Design, 2nd Edition.
- Critical Role’s Liam O’Brien and Taliesin Jaffe talk about New Chronicles of Exandria – The Mighty Nein Artbook.
- Pelgrane Press talks to Chaosium’s Lynne Hardy about Cthulhu & Gaming.
- Over at EN World, Sean Hillman reviews Samurai Androids.
- Chaosium published the Pegasus Plateau for RuneQuest and one of the authors, John Wick, wrote about it.
- Bully Pulpit Games says that you’ll soon be able to play Fiasco on Roll20.
- WhatCulture shared their Dungeons and Dragons: Ranking Every Official 5e Module Worst To Best.
- Jeff McAleer writes up Free League Publishing’s plans for The Bitter Reach.
- Cubicle 7 shared a WFRP: Death on the Reik Sneak Peek!
- Green Ronin shared What is Lost Citadel Roleplaying, Anyway?
- Aaron T. Huss reviewed Star Trek Adventures: Delta Quadrant Sourcebook.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Charles Dunwoody’s Basic World Building series covers Design a Dungeon.
- Enjoy this lovely D&D & Discord comic strip from Lara E.
- Watch cosplayer Hendo teach us how to make a Cocktail of Fire Breath.
- Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms, shares thoughts on Putting The Awe Back in Magic.
- Dicebreaker’s Alex Meehan landed Critical Role’s Matthew Mercer on world-building in D&D and creating Wildemount.
- Dicebreaker’s Aimee Hart argues that Railroading doesn’t have to be a dirty word in tabletop RPGs.
- Caitlin Galiz-Rowe opines Indie video game platform Itch.io has given tabletop RPG designers a new way to thrive.
- Scott Baird digs into history when Dungeons & Dragons Creator Couldn’t Release Another Game with D&D Initials.
- Nerdarchy and Ted Adams get around to Exploring the use of Tarot cards for D&D.
- Tommy Wiliams and GeekTyrant found these gorgeous Sailor Moon inspired dice.
- Author Danie Ware wrote up The Benefits of Character Generation.
- Bleeding Cool’s Joshua Nelson shared Opinion: Reguarding Dungeons & Dragons, SEssion 0m & Conset.
RPG Crowdfunding

You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;
- Pergola are collecting funds for swirling dice in the Solar Series.
- Deep Dungeon Games are funding a mountainous 400-page world-building guide called The Mineralogy Manual.
- Gaming Honors is working on a humorous RPG parody called Dwellings & Driveways: Keep on the Cul-de-Sac!.
- Miniature Building Authority, Inc has a resin cast of one 28mm – 32mm Shanty Town II: Up River.
- Goodman Games is crowdfunding DCC RPG: Fred Saberhagen’s Empire of the East.
- Alicia Jeanne is hoping to make your bag carrying life easier with The RPG Haversack.
- Allen Dale wants to tempt you with these handmade forset moss dice.
- Levi Combs is funding a high-level 5e adventure in the form of Escape from Skullcano Island.
- Bloat Games are adding zombies, dark places and demogorgons to SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy Tabletop RPG 2.
- SkeletonKey Games are working on an “ouchless d4” and a project called Diamond d4.
- Red Eyed Rabbit has a 5e sandbox campaign called Unfamiliar.
Gamerati News Update
Marcelo Ferrari of Gamerati braves the conspiracy of the Technocracy, Chaosium getting more involved in Wurm and adventures in Conan’s Age Undreamed Of.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.