We’ve made it to the end of the week, but TSR Games (3) did not, nor did TSR Games (2), but don’t worry; potentially happy futures for both, as we’ll see in this RPG news round up.
In this weekly summary, we see post-lockdown/lockdown models.
For example; Wizards of the Coast into broadcasting as they bring cartoons to Twitch, GAMA restructuring to cope with the new reality, the usual stream of STL files on Kickstarter and, perhaps most discussion-worthy, big conventions pushing on without asking attendees to wear masks.
Geek Native does maintain a convention calendar; let me know if there should be something added to it. It’s a neverending project, but not a thankless one.
And perhaps Cubicle 7 are feeling a bit thankless, as they’ve had to make the surprise announcement that rather than do more Lone Wolf RPG this year, they do none at all. What happened?
Right, now on to the RPG news!
Win Good Strong Hands RPG | Big Dig | The Tower of Fools
RPG news from Geek Native
- In a worldwide exclusive, Geek Native had the cover reveal and launch page details for the dystopian RPG a|state 2e.
- Just a few weeks after committing to the game, Cubicle 7 made a surprise announcement and will now not publish the Lone Wolf RPG. Now there’s a bundle deal and 50% off DTRPG sale.
- Son of Oak announced the City of Mist powered superhero Queerz RPG.
- GAMA has voted in game-changing restructures.
- Geek Native interviewed Rod Waibel of Izegrim Creations about the OSR RPG with modern sensibilities Chromatic Dungeons.
- There’s also a quick interview with Brian Colin ahead of Infinite Black’s Vast Grimm RPG tabletop RPG campaign on Gamefound. There’s also a $1,000 competition attached.
- Geek Native reviewed Martin Lloyd’s superhero RPG Amazing Heroes!
- I also took a quick look at Splintered Realm Publishing’s Super Solo RPG. Play as a burning building.
- As it was Superhero Week, I also found time to review the magic girls RPG Kindred Souls. A surprisingly brutal RPG.
- A week for reviews, it seems, as the blog also published a review of the Zweihander-powered occult game Flames of Freedom.
- Two young designers published the Saturday cartoon-style RPG The World of Wyldrvir for free.
- Wizard of the Coast granted HarperCollins a D&D exclusive license in the niche of “Middle Grade” content, with the first title being D&D’s Dungeon Academy No Humans Allowed!.
- WotC also made a second adventure for the Magic: The Gathering and D&D crossover free with The Hidden Page.
- Oh, there’s TSR Games news too. First, TSR Games (2) rebrands to Solarian Games to escape the fire, then TSR Games (3) insisted they weren’t TSR Games (1), despite having spent weeks insisting they are and then finally gave up, rebranding themselves to Wonderfiled.
- The Bundle of Holding and Kobold Press have a Zobeck for 5e deal, for Midgard.
Spotlight Grognardia Games
RPG news from around the web

- Both Gen Con and UK Games Expo said they won’t have a mask policy for attendees.
- To support Chaosium’s 40th anniversary Call of Cthulhu boxset Kickstarter, HP Lovecraft Historical Society announced a deluxe handout set.
- The Trollish Delver shared some ideas for the RPG Romance of the Perilous Land.
- Matt Jarvis covered Weird Stories wants to capture the strange mystery of David Lynch, Haruki Murakami and The Twilight Zone in a tabletop RPG.
- Rogue Games and Grim & Perilous Studios teamed up for the Flames of Freedom library.
- R. Talsorian Games released the free Night City Weather download for Cyberpunk Red.
- Wizards of the Coast will stream the 80s D&D cartoon on Twitch, or did, depending on when you read this.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- John Wright on RPG.net reviewed The Hero’s Journey 2e from Gallant Knight.
- Strange Assembly reviewed Pathfinder’s Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse and Starfinder’s Planetfall.
- In a clever review on EN World, Libertad shared a look at 5e The Blue Rose Adventurer’s Guide.
- Reviews from R’lyeh wrote up Onyx Path’s Titanomachy, the Free League Workshop Somethings Are Better Left Unsaid for Things from the Flood and Evil Hat’s FATE of Cthulhu.
- The Other Side reviewed the 5e supplement Witch+Craft.
- Angel’s Citadel reviewed Teratology.
- Antonios S uses “Ice-cold perfection” to sum up Chaosium’s 2021 reprint of Beyond the Mountains of Madness.
- Forbes and Rob Wieland had the first Flames of Freedom review.
- Leicester’s Ramble wrote up a Swords & Wizardy box set review.
- On d20Radio, Egg Embry interview Marcin Kuczyński
about Game Machinery’s Defiant hardback campaign. - Michael Tresca talked to Jamie Van Doren about the character portrait platform Neverending.
- Tabletop Gaming talked to Andrew Kolb, the Creator of Neverland.
RPG new releases

- Son of Oak Game Studios has published City of Mist: Shadows & Showdowns.
- Paizo published Pathfinder’s Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse.
- Andre Geleynse released a Name Your Own Price and Illuminated by Lumen Fairies in Mechs.
- Wheels Within Wheels Publishing also gave us the Lumen powered RPG based on Arx Fatalis called Arx ObsKura.
- J.P. Starsey published a post-apocalyptic RPG set on a newly terraformed Mars with Earth Rain.
- Biscuit Fund Games (great name) released a GM-less RPG about being the clock to reach a climatic finish with Goblin Country.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $45.14 (74%) with this DMs Guild 40 for 40 bundle.
- Save $40.90 (30%) with this DMs Guild Fantasy Grounds: Dungeon Master’s Toolbox bundle.
- Save 39.01 (63%) on the Storytellers Vault Disability Pride – Characters and City Building bundle.
- Save $24.99 (71%) on the Thunderegg Anniversary bundle.
- Save $11.96 (29%) on Onyx Path’s Trinity Continuum: Aberrant bundle.
- Save $10.95 (30%) on Onyx Path’s Exalted 3e Core bundle.
- Save $9.98 (47%) on Channel M Publishing’s Summer Grab Bag.
- Save $5.93 (23%) on Onyx Path’s Trinity Continuum Core bundle.
- Save $3.97 (27%) on Micro RPG’s Complete Basics bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Wizards of the Coast shared some details on Exploring character creation for Ravenloft: Mist Hunters.
- Staying with Ravenloft, Nerdarchy noted Curses Come With Dramatic Significance in 5E D&D with Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft.
- Screen Rant’s Tim Warden has a helpful collection of D&D Minor Magic Items That Won’t Break The Game.
- D&D Beyond’s Bryce Miller-Booker shared 8 D&D World Building Tips from Lou Anders and Travis Vengroff.
- Always helpful and productive, Jared Rascher had some thoughts on Using Monsters That Fit Your Theme.
- At Wired, Laurence Russel made The Case for Orc Wizards—and Why You Should Play RPGs ‘Wrong’.
- Paizo shared the Pathfinder encounter Red Waves Aflame.
- Screen Rant looked into How Dungeons & Dragons Can Be Played With Only 2 People.
- Lansing City Pulse covered Exploring queer identity through Dungeons & Dragons
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- Steve Jackson Games has launched the GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge.
- Dan Hass has funded a compendium for D&D 5E Dimgaard: Completing the Races.
- Caledonia Miniatures has a Healer House 3D Printable STL File – Pay What You Want.
- The Laidback Dungeon Master has a new set of MAPS YOUR PARTY WILL DIE FOR 3: THE WILD Book & Maps.
- Geoff Rowe Music is offering to Make 100 – Songs for your world.
- Zan’s Adventures has funded the Pilgrim’s Christmas Workshop – 5E DND and Pathfinder 1E.
- Seb Pines has hit the target for an RPG that leads players through a haunted out. It’s Dwelling: A Solo Game for Ghosts.
- Daiv Batista is crowdfunding a project for 36D6 with Wargaming and Roleplaying Dice Extraordinaire.
- Orphaned Bookworm Productions is bringing out rules for The Vanguard (Class and related content for PF1E and 5E).
- Gun Metal Games is looking to produce multi-genre BLENDWORLDS: Digital and Print Sci-Fi Map Packs for RPGs.
- Darkraven Games has nearly hit the target for an RPG concert with Legend of the Golden Hair.
- Cade Howarth has a new campaign setting looking for cash. It’s Seeker’s Guide to Uathan – A Dungeons & Dragons Setting.
- 3d printing monsters from Arammu – Creatures of Tinar – Volume I.
- Michael Coomber wants to give your minis Dungeon floor bases.
- Fate of Dungeons are funding an OSR fantasy based on Fate Condensed.
- Tim is crowdsourcing support for a compendium of short adventures for table TTRPG system with Masque’s Bite Sized Stories and Quick Encounters.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.