Looking for a fresh batch of RPG news?
You’ve come to the right place. Geek Native’s Routinely Itemised builds bullet-point lists out of tabletop RPG news from this site and around the community to help you get up to speed.
Despite another week, there’s been time for some housekeeping at the blog and menus have been updated, the site’s bandwidth demands reduced for you and shiny new art installed. You can read about what’s changed, and why, in this site tweak announcement.
Geek Native is also running a competition that should interest roleplayers. Fancy playing some cyberpunk soon? Perhaps you’re here already. I have two books of cyberpunk battle mats to move your skirmish minis around on, and I am giving both away for free. Winners picked at random.
As we’re approaching the end of the month, Geek Native’s patrons only have a few more days to vote for the candidates in the RPG Publisher Spotlight shortlist.
Competition: Cyberpunk battle mats!
RPG news from Geek Native
- Support Red Nose Day with these DMs Guild Guild Notes.
- Patrick Rothfuss and James D’Amato are working on a Kingkiller RPG.
- Paizo apologises for police-themes in their Agents of Edgewatch but publishes it anyway.
- We’ll get an early taste of the full Cyberpunk RED RPG rules in the Feed the Beast podcast.
- A lifetime subscription for a one-off price is one of the options as Campaign Cartographer lands on Humble Bundle.
- Liberi Gothica’s Fellowship RPG has a deal over at the Bundle of Holding.
- Also in the Bundle of Holding is a collection of Tunnels & Trolls downloads.
- Win a book of Cyberpunk Loke Battlemats.
- Sign up to Kobold Press’ email list and get Prepared 2 for free.
- Cubicle 7 has free official Warhammer FRPG conversion tables.
- Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator gets a big update with military units and battles.
- The Game Machinery has published the adult supernatural RPG Defiant.
RPG news from around the web

- Wizards of the Coast and Make a Wish are giving you the chance to play D&D with Joe Manganiello.
- Critical Role will return on July 2nd at 7pm Pacific Time. The announcement trended on YouTube.
- Paizo introduced us to the Korakai, Starfinder Battles Galactic Heroes, Iconic Encounters and a host of new releases.
- JP Chapleau has transformed the Curse of Strahd villain Rahadin into the Dread Knight of Ravenloft.
- Christian Hoffer notes Dungeons & Dragons’ next adventure has a gnoll vampire and we have questions.
- You can also now get Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden wallpapers over at Wizards.com.
- New entries into Chaosium’s Journey to Jonstown include the first title to use Questworlds rules.
- Pelgrane Press announce a 13th Age sourcebook called Drakkenhall: City of Monsters.
- WizKids will publish this impressive Adult White Dragon for D&D Icons.
- OnTableTop gave us a good look at Gale Force Nine’s new Icewind Dale miniatures.
- Egg Embry interviewed Spenser Starke of Hunters Entertainment about Alice is Missing.
- R. Talsorian Games shared a preview of the bestiary A Witcher’s Journey.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- An unofficial but funny three kobolds in a trenchcoat statblock.
- Small but perfectly formed D&D-inspired minifigs.
- A reminder; Know your dice bags.
- An introduction to Icewind Dale’s talking whale Angajuk.
- Need to generate some fantasy taverns in a hurry? Check out this tavern generator.
- Boing Boing’s Gareth Branwyn found this astonishingly-detailed foam coliseum for tabletop gaming.
- Eldadres at Dungeon Solvers wrote up multi-stage boss battles in D&D 5e.
- The Blog of Holding explains why the 5e treasure tables aren’t very good (and how they got that way).
- Comic Book Resources’ Matthew Beilman helped with Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Sun, the Dying Earth Setting, explained.
RPG Crowdfunding

You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;
- Sanguine Productions is expanding their anthropomorphic Ironclaw RPG with Book of Corals.
- Stephen Chenault and Troll Lord Games have another hit on their hands with the 5e version of Monsters & Treasure of Aihdre.
- Todd is working on a guide to creating and populating hexes in tabletop RPGs called Filling in the Blanks.
- Diego Pisa Artworks want you to set something dangerous onto the PCs with Survive the Hunter!
- Pacesetter Games & Simulations have a 5e & BX adventure that’s hit the campaign goal called Path of the Vanished.
- Dark Realm Roleplay re-imagine the Kenku and will publish a 5e adventure in the shape of The Bones of Klakratha.
- Crenshupiter Networks offer up fast-play rules for collective storytelling in Vizor Role Playing System
- Jessica Crimes has 8 unique tabletop RPGs in a single Kickstarter project called Storybox!
- Quentin Jones is creating dice made with real meteorite fragments.
- Ravyn-Ann Hainey has a new RPG designed for any sort of anime you would want to recreate with My Anime Story.
- PhD student Colin Anderson is raising money for a three-tiered RPG aimed at young children. It’s Fairies of the Mistglade: A Family Fantasy RPG.
- R.G. de Barros is offering up 400+ pages with a new d8 system and 20 mix-and-match thematic modules in the form of BYTE Roleplaying Game Rulebook.
- SkeletonKey Games are expanding their 2D terrain tiles (including PDF and VTT extras) with Adventure Tiles: Darkharrow Crypt.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.