It’s Friday, and so we like to look back at a week of roleplaying industry news and discoveries. Gen Con is on right now, so consider this round-up the possible calm before the storm.
Picked up any RPG news items yourself? Get in touch and pass it on. Geek Native can’t cover all the news, but there’s no harm in trying. Probably.
And if reading isn’t your thing then test out the newly pivoted Audio EXP from Geek Native. This is an experimental podcast that headlines some of the top stories from the site in the last week.
As it’s a new month, we take Rite Publishing out of the spotlight and open the voting for the next indie RPG publisher to be put centre stage.
It may not count as roleplaying news but this week the next attempt a D&D movie took a step forward. It looks like the lead two writers of Spider-man: Homecoming are in talks with Paramount and Hasbro to direct the movie.
RPG news from Geek Native
- Pathfinder 2nd edition is out this week! Discounts are available for people who have Roll20 copies of the game too.
- Fate Accessibility Toolkit (Prototype Edition) aims to make it easier to handle disabilities in and around RPGs. Evil Hat’s published it without any art but has a plan for that.
- Hugely popular podcast The Adventure Zone is getting its very own RPG.
- Two out of the three best selling RPGs this Spring were sci-fi games.
- Got an Astral Tabletop account? It’s been upgraded to a Pro, for free but only while Gen Con is on.
- Mutant: Elysium is the third extension for Free League Publishing’s Mutant: Year Zero and is now out in English.
- Is there room for funnies in the DM’s Guild? It sure looks like some people think so as D&D gets rules for farts.
RPG news from around the web

- Drop Lowest reviewed The Expanse RPG.
- Cubicle 7 gave us a look at The Rangers of the North for the Lord of the Rings RPG.
- Polygon’s Charlie Hill wrote up Pathfinder 2e.
- Pegasus Press released Talisman Adventures – Fantasy RPG Playtest Guide, 80 pages of game material for 6 ancestries and 9 classes to get to level 3.
- Wizards of the Coast promoted Viva La Dirt League’s new YouTube show NPC D&D. Episode 1 is out now.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Ben Jackon-Ellery takes the Genre Police out again and tours the art of drama in RPGs.
- Warriors of Sehanine is an adventure set outside Baldur’s Gate.
- Sly Flourish’s Mike Shea wrote up his interview notes with Jeremy Crawford on monster design.
- On YouTube, Matthew Colville talked about adding drama by DMs slyly collaborating with a player.
- RJD20 blogged Building the Story with Dice Rolls.
RPG Crowdfunding

As is always the case, you can whiz through Geek Native’s write-ups of hand-picked crowdfunding campaigns in Kickstarter Watch.
- Dungeon Fog’s Project Deios has become a very well funded Kickstarter for map-making software.
- Living on Stolen Time is a one-shot adventure for D&D 5e.
- Dungeon X Tiles by Benton Gaming are injection moulded dungeon tiles that clip together.
- Ill Gotten Games will Kickstart Beyond the Copper Doors an RPG adventure that comes complete with 3d printable minis for every person, place and thing featured in it.
- SideQuests: Easy Adventure Models for 5e are 10 instant one-shot D&D adventures.
- Ian Haramaki is a freelance illustrator with a successful Deck of Many Things Kickstarter on their hands.
- Ultra Interactive Dynamic Maps are computer-animated maps for your tabletop RPGs.
What are your news highlights from the RPGscape this week?