Atomic Mass Games and Marvel announced Marvel Crisis Protocol at Gen Con.

The game uses hard plastic miniatures which come on sprues and is expected to ship this year.
Will Shick took the stage near the end of Fantasy Flight Games’ in-flight report (at around 1h 3 minutes).
According to the surprise presentation, there will be monthly expansion packs and organised play. The latter is said to offer unique prizes to players.
The heroes and villains of the Marvel world can be mixed into teams, and so you’ve full freedom in your squad design.

Marvel Crisis Protocol makes heavy use of “power” as its resource economy. Power is earned by actions, spent on actions and is modified by unique abilities described on each hero’s character card.
Other cards for the game include “team tactics” which allow for powerful combos. The resulting gameplay is described as “comic-worth” which Hulk throwing buildings as one of the examples.
The game will launch with 10 superheroes in the box.
Marvel Crisis Protocol first look
Crabbok already has a first look video up, filmed at Gen Con that shows some of the models up close and in detail.
Look at that cool looking terrain. There’s even terrain included in the core set, and Atomic Mass Games are expecting to put an emphasis on it.

What are your first impressions of Crisis Protocol? Hit or miss?