When the Invisible Sun and its (in)famous Black Cube was available at Monte Cook Games’ store it cost $252.
That may sound like a lot, but there are four hardcover rulebooks, a thousand cards, a game board, custom dice and a treasure trove of goodies in it.
$252 may still sound like a lot, but during the Kickstarter, one backer pledged $9,999 to make the project happen.
Now you can grab the digital edition from the Bundle of Holding for $27.95. You’ve until Monday, the 3rd of January, to do so.

The game itself is complex to describe. It’s an exploration of the occult. It’s a surreal fantasy. It’s a group play of memories and wizards.
Digital Black Cube – $27.95
How much is the PDF usually? $99.
- Invisible Sun – the Digital Black Cube
Bonus Collection
The Threshold Price begins as the weighted average value of purchases. Given that you need to pledge $99 to get the Black Cube, it’s telling that the Threshold started at $39.95.
That unlocks a further $87 worth of content. At the time of writing, the deal has been public for a few hours, and that price has risen to $40.37.
- Secrets of Silent Streets
- Invisible Sun – Book M
- Teratology
- Enchiridion of the Path
- Invisible Sun Prop-Crafting Kit
A slice of the revenue earned from this deal goes to support Direct Relief.