Onyx Path Publishing has done a great job building the new World of Darkness and running very successful Kickstarters. They’re still going. The latest is the tenth book for nWoD and is Beast: The Primordial.
At the time of writing, this campaign has funded. There are more than two weeks on the clock, well over 1,000 backers and a target of $50,000 that’s on track to hit %200 or more.
Ignore the first few pledge levels and step up to $25 and you’ll unlock the PDF of Beast: the Primordial. Double up to $50, as nearly 500 people have done, and you’ll get the Beast: the Primordial prestige edition book, the PDF and Beast: the Primordial physical book on PoD plus all the wallpapers. The physical book is also available as an Add-On.
It strikes me that a key feature of the game is that it’s designed to be cross-over friendly. The beasts, the Begotten as they call themselves, see the other creatures in the World of Darkness as their family. The favour isn’t always returned.
As is the way with Oynx Path Kickstarters you can read the nearly finished text online already. It’s currently available at this Google Drive link. Checking out the text helps reassure people who are tempted to back the campaign and Onyx Path’s track record is another factor.
The success of the campaign means that the Silk Bookmark, Beast Kickstarter T-shirt and Beast Chapter in Dark Eras Companion have been unlocked. A series of short stories is currently on target for being released too.
Find out what fellow roleplayers are talking about with one quick scan of the chat portal.