We’ve made it through the week together, and now it’s time to take a bullet-point look back at RPG news from Geek Native and elsewhere on the web.
It’s not just headlines that make Routinely Itemised. The Friday roundup includes interviews, reviews, RPG tips and new releases as well.
Let’s hide some news in plain sight. Geek Native as soft-launched a Discord server. No, not because the world needs more Discord servers, but because a place to chat during online (or physical) conventions would be good, and a place to share trailers and talk shop is also a good place to have. Feel free to pop by.
The convention season is picking up again. That’s not to say there have been no cancellations of physical events, but hope is growing as vaccine rollouts continue and publishers get to grips with running online events. Keep an eye on the tabletop games convention calendar for details. Feel free to suggest additions as well.
Now, on with the RPG news!
Win The Forest Dragon Bang & Twang
RPG news from Geek Native
- The DMs Guild and Goodman Games will run Dungeon Con Online.
- Modiphius released Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 and Geek Native talked to one of the design team Bill Heron.
- Robert J Kuntz, who was Gary Gygax’s own GM, has licensed some of his original gaming material.
- Evil Hat announced playtests for two new RPGs; Project Perseus & Apocalypse Keys.
- Paizo announced a new digital product called One-Shot, and it kicks off with the Pathfinder adventure Sundered Waves.
- Wizards of the Coast have released a new playtest for D&D through Unearthed Arcana with Folk of the Feywild.
- The award-winning Companions’ Tale is now on Roll20.
- To support the charity The Trussell Trust Venger’s Decks and Handiwork Games launched The Streets Mini Deck & Map Pack.
- Geek Native reviewed the steampunk RPG Vulcania.
- A new edition of the homebrew D&D Harry Potter inspired Wands & Wizards was released.
- Zadmar Games released a free to download Welcome to Drakonheim.
- Tabletop celeb creators have written quests for a 20-year-old online text-only multi-user dungeon.
- John Harper changed the license for Lasers & Feelings so third parties can sell hacks based on it.
- The Bundle of Holding has $128 worth of Gumshoe RPGs.
- Limited numbers of official The Witcher dice are on pre-order.
RPG Publisher Spotlight: Dyskami Publishing Company
RPG news from around the web

- At Dicebreaker, Chase Carter covers Tidal Blades’ upcoming RPG has announced a publisher and new deals.
- James Wyatt tweeted his return to the D&D design team.
- J.R. Zambrano explained How The Worst RPG Became The Industry’s Most Prestigious Award.
- Christian Hoffer notes that Dungeons & Dragons Finally Ads a Monster Stackblock for Archfey.
- The Bell of Lost Souls noted that the D&D 5e computer game Solasta Crown of the Magister Introduces Digital Dungeon Maker.
- Chase Carter covered Troika! RPG sends players back to school in upcoming Academies of the Arcane setting book.
- WizKids has revealed D&D Icons of the Realms Miniatures: Snowbound.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Throat Punch Games offered up a Review of Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart.
- Egg Embry interviewed Connor Alexander about the Coyote & Crow RPG.
- On 2d20 Radio, Egg interviews Steven Pankotai about the biopunk DIESEL RPG.
- ScreenRant’s Scott Baird interviews Mark Hulmes about Candlekeep Mysteries.
- At EN World, Beth Rimmels reviewed D&D’s Candlekeep Mysteries.
- At Polygon, Charlie Hall headlined Candlekeep Mysteries is a D&D book that belongs on Every Dungeon Master’s bookshelf.
- At RPG.net, Antonios S reviewed The Last Cyclade and the Map Pack for it.
- The Roleplayers Chronicle reviewed A Quick Trip to France for Acthung! Cthulhu.
- Wargamer’s Alex Evans reviewed Soulbound’s Petrified Wood.
- Endzetgeist reviewed Shadows over Vathak: Explorer’s Guide, Zombie Worm.
- The Veteran Sergeant reviewed Alien RPG’s Destroyer of Worlds.
- IGN’s Casey DeFreitas noted that This Unofficial Pokemon D&D Game Works Shockingly Well.
- Michael Tresca reviewed a colourful Cthulhu Dice Tower.
- Joann Walles reviewed Arc Dream’s alternative superhero RPG Better Angels.
RPG new releases

- FeralGamersInc has released the grimdark The Black Iron RPG.
- Ben Milton, aka Questing Beast, published the OSR adventure The Waking of Willowby Hall.
- Mongoose has published the Traveller supplement Solomani Front.
- A2ndChapter has released a Pay What You Want one page RPG about immortals fated to fight until there are Less Than Two.
- Cubicle 7 released the next part of Shadows in the Mist, and you can now buy Petrified Wood.
- SR16 has created a tense survivalist but free to download RPG called Zombies – Business Card Edition.
- Just Crunch Games launched the supernatural Tudor agency game The Dee Sanction.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Important and useful tips from Ben Jackson-Ellery for coping with problem players.
- Geek Native discovered the Fluffy Folio for D&D.
- Also on the discovery radar as TeaTime DnD’s dangerous Shrooms.
- There are also these player memo kits that are worth checking out.
- A reminder to all LARPers is that your weapons might need some love.
- Writing for Roll20, Justin Miller noted How Cooperative World Building Makes Your Games More Engaging.
- At ScreenRant, Coleman Gailloreto shares Tabletop RPGs with Space Western Settings & Themes.
- The Gauntlet Blog’s History of Licensed RPGs reaches part VIII 2001-2002.
- Gnome Stew’s Bridgett Jeffries covered Virtual Gaming: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
- Also on Gnome Stew, Senda Linaugh opined Solo Gaming in the Time of COVID.
- Cubicle 7 wrote up Using Foundry VTT to Play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
- Tribality’s Kevin Victor Rae explained How to Quickly Outline a Campaign.
- Isabelle Lichtenstein noted Queer players find more than a game in Dungeons & Dragons – they find a safe space.
RPG Crowdfunding

You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;
- Charles Linton has a tabletop RPG about surviving and building a community on a hyper-capitalist space station. It’s Tomorrow on Revelation III.
- Level Drain Publishing is funding a guide to create post-apocalyptic settings for OSR systems with Shadows For An Empty World: The Sourcebook.
- Colleen Williams is crowdsourcing funds for Tabletop Apparel for Game Lovers: Reprint and New Designs!.
- Oliver McNeil has it campaign goal for Cthulhu Soundscapes: Sounds of Madness “Compilation 2”
- A father and son team are crowdfunding some colourful Gabrisaur Dice – Dice, Sparkles, Dinosaurs.
- Realmwarp Media are working on a 5e compatible setting of eldritch gods, magitech and ancestor worship with Cities of Myth (5e): Atlantis Divided
- Scott Taylor returns (for 59th time) to Kickstarter for part of the AD&D and 5e mega-dungeon Folio #27 Lair of the Serpents Gaming Adventure!
- Terry Herc has funded a 5e city adventure kit fueled by the oblivious disasters of Professor Humbert Drumsley: Beautiful Rottenham.
- Robin Carpenter proposes a forbidden zine for 5e with new monsters. It’s the Monster Temple: Issue 2.
- Professional illustrator Courtney has a guide to dynamic monster ecologies called Bestial Ecosystems Created by Monstrous Inhabitation.
- Federick Neuhaus of Go Foward Games is writing a fantasy wargaming and roleplaying core book called Penny Heroes.
- Greg Gillespie has smashed their funding target for a new megadungeon. Dare you explore Barrowmaze: Dwarrowdeep (OSR and 5E)?
- Red Bard Games is offering up pre-supported STL and resin miniatures for Creatures of Many Eyes.
- R. Nelson Bailey has funded fantasy modules for a considerable range of RPGs with Spire & Temple: A DUNGEON DELVE Duo.
- Roll Model Minis want to help with the details of your tabletop scenes with Marvellous Market Stalls! 3D Printing STLs.
- Darkraven Games are offering 100 tracks of audio to bring your RPGs to life. It’s the Valhalla Darkraven Fantasy Soundscapes – Virtual Gaming Ed.
- Dead Channel Studios have hit campaign target for a collection of 5e encounters, maps and scenarios. It’s The GM’s Toolkit for Random Encounters.
- Midlam Miniatures have funded eight 28mm scale halfling minis. It’s To the Mummy’s Tomb! A Halfling Expedition.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.