Routinely Itemised is a RPG news wrap-up from Geek Native and plenty of other tabletop hobby blogs.
Critical Role and Darrington Press tap an Eisner-nominated creator for the Syndicult RPG
My data doesn’t lie. It’s all anyone’s talking about right now.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #136
A summary of RPGs news from the week as Wizards of the Coast make an important D&D hire, Green Ronin plot Cthulhu content done right, and one of the most significant savings you’re likely to see on DTRPG goes live.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #135
A summary of RPGs news from the week with more TSR drama, horror RPGs, killer future robots and babies with broadswords.
Beadle & Grimm’s Critical Role is an even more exquisite Critical Role
Beadle & Grimm’s specialises in making RPGs look even better, making them expensive but highly desirable and exquisite collectables.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #131
A look at which games published this year have sold the best and other RPG news!
New D&D book from Critical Role: What’s in the Tal’Dorei revised edition?
Tal’Dorei Reborn is the second edition of the D&D 5e-powered campaign setting created by Critical Role.
Critical Role confirms international release for Darrington Press’ Uk’otoa board game
The first game from Critical Role’s Darrington Press is a battle of life and death on the high Lucidian seas called Uk’otoa.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #74
In RPG news; it’s Friday the 13th, and there are quite a few big books about to be released; Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and Cyberpunk Red to name two.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #72
Routinely Itemised is a weekly roundup of RPG news from Wizards of the Coast, Chaosium, Cubicle 7, R. Talsorian Games, PEG, Paizo and the industry.