Tal’Dorei Reborn is the second edition of the D&D 5e-powered campaign setting created by Critical Role.

The original book was expertly made by Green Ronin, James Haeck and Matthew Mercer and has been out of print for a while. Got a copy? Within hours of Critical Role announcing a second edition, originals are now on ebay for hundreds of dollars.
The revised edition of the Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting is from Darlington Press, the publisher created for projects exactly like this, and it will be the company’s first RPG.
James Haeck joins the writing team again, and Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount and The Wild Beyond the Witchlight author Hannah Rose joins, with Chief Creative Officer Matthew Mercer at the helm.
What’s in the Tal’Dorei revised edition?
- The Tai’Dorei second edition is nearly twice as large as the first, coming in at 280 pages.
- Tai’Dorei Reborn adds four new subclasses bringing the total to 9.
- There will be a guide to each of the major regions; with story hooks.
- Dozens of creatures, many of which made an appearance in Critical Role.
- All of Vox Machina get full stat blocks.
- There will be over a hundred new maps and illustrations.
- Additional dozen-plus magical item descriptions.
- Extra and updated lore.
- Insight into the Tal’Dorei Council.
- Details on what happened in the years after the Vox Machina campaign.
Using the same rules Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting 1e, the new book will be backwards compatible with all the current supplements.
When is Tal’Dorei Reborn due out?

Darlington Press’ first RPG will be released in phases. It’ll appear first in Guild Stores and the US, UK, CA and AU eCommerce sites.
We’re told that other local gaming stores will get the books about two weeks later.
When? We only have ballpark dates of either late 2021 or early 2022.
However, it might be worth holding out a bit longer as a deluxe edition from Beadle & Grimm has already been confirmed.