Hello and welcome to Geek Native’s weekend RPG news round-up. In Routinely Itemised we compile news from the week, from this blog and others, along with RPG tips and discoveries.
It’s been a tense week as the world watched protest marches in the United States of America. Many games publishers observed #BlackOutTuesday and went dark on social media to show their support for Black Lives Matter. Industry leaders like Wizards of the Coast, Paizo and even publishers based outside the States shared statements of support and commitment to the cause.
It is also Pride month, another worthy cause. Just as it takes more than posting a black square for your avatar on social media to rid the world of racism, it takes more than updating your logo to rainbow to be a true LGBTQi+ ally. We’ve seen the RPG chatter on TikTok and Twitter return to this theme often and the consensus seems to be that the hobby is more inclusive than it once was, but there is still plenty to do.
Less importantly, a new month on Geek Native also means it’s time for site Patrons to vote for small publishers in the Spotlight poll. The RPG Publisher Spotlight is Geek Native’s attempt to help promote those tabletop roleplaying games companies that don’t have it as easy as the big guns to get noticed.
That said, let us check out more RPG news detail below in bullet-point summaries.
RPG news from Geek Native
- Support BLM charity Black Visions Collective and save 56% off these indie RPGs with the Tabletop Treehouse Bundle.
- Want to know what the future of Pathfinder or Starfinder looks like? There’s the Paizo product timeline.
- In exchange for email sign-ups, Kobold Press is giving out free copies of Fowl Play.
- R. Talsorian Games has released, for free, the scenario designer system from the Dream Park RPG.
- The $1,000,000 Kickstarter 5e birdfolk campaign setting Humblewood is coming to Roll20.
- Wizards of the Coast shared the contents page from Mythic Odysseys of Theros.
- The Bundle of Holding has a deal from Legendary Games.
- Deadlands: Lost Colony will ship with a printed errata.
- Gaming Days LLC reveals which games will be inside the Free RPG Day box.
- EN World’s Russ Morrissey published the free to download Awfully Cheerful Engine! RPG.
- Geek Native took a quick look at the micro-RPG Black Knights.
- Cubicle 7 published a free Warhammer Soulbound adventure called Crash & Burn.
- Geek Native sat down with RPG designer Steffie de Vaan and talked about racism, sexism and ableism in RPGs as Legendlore returns to Kickstarter.
- R. Talsorian Games’ Mekton Zeta is free to download.
- Witch Doctors RPG opens for free downloads and playtesting.
RPG news from around the web

- At d20 Radio, Egg Embry published this great article on the Rise of Single-Artist RPGs.
- WizKids has a new 2D line of Dungeons & Dragons miniatures.
- Cubicle 7 and Clive Oldfield blogged about Magic in WFRP4.
- Mythic Odysseys of Theros introductions a Piety System to D&D.
- Roll20 has introduced bug fixes and more Explorer Mode updates.
- Egg Embry interviewed Steffie de Vaan about the DMs Guild product Masks of Theros.
- Green Ronin’s Crystal Frasier helps Mutants & Masterminds re-invent the NetherWar adventure series to fit Emerald City.
- Green Ronin’s Nisaba Press will also release a Mutants & Masterminds fiction anthology called Powered Up!
- Kobold Press wrote up a new spell and Tapping Ley Lines in Midgard.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Charles Dunwoody published part four in his Basic World Building series. It’s time to Design a Wilderness.
- Ben Jackson-Ellery and the genre police give us RPG tips on how to handle one shot games.
- These handdrawn fantasy maps are stunning.
- Equally, this Skull Castle dice tower is impressive.
- Sandy Petersen joined the crew at Pelgrane Press to talk about adding Cthulhu to Your Fantasy Game.
- Christopher Stogdill helpfully wrote up So You Want to Attend Your First Convention?
- Nate Christen shared some Treasure Hunter Archetypes for Savage Worlds.
- Rock Humet put together this introduction on World Linking in World Anvil.
- Think DM looked into Draconic Bloodline Expanded Spells.
- Dale McCoy of Jon Brazer Enterprises shared an article on Skyrim, Witcher, and Tabletop RPGs.
RPG Crowdfunding

You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;
- Archer Inventive and Westfalia Miniatures team up to bring the Pride Knights to the tabletop as miniatures.
- Javier Barroso Gil is raising money for Super High School RPG.
- James A Pozenel, Jr has funded a supplement for high tech casting using Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics. It’s Enchiridion of the Computarchs.
- Maciontherrocks is working on a monster manual and adventure for 5e called The Doom of Northwood.
- Marco Mazzei has launched a campaign to produce character cards and tokens for RPGs. Who’s Holding The Torch?
- Stefano Grazzini has a successful project to make metal minis with Dragon Lords: 3rd Wave.
- Tens of thousands of dollars are backing Marc Schubert’s Pride Dice.
- Sigil Entertainment Group is running a licensed Savage Worlds project for new fiction, settings and maps with The Savage Sign 02.
- SDG Interactive Publishers are Kickstarting 140 standard playing card sized spell tracking cards for the RPG Veil of the Void.
- Luca Bellini is back on Kickstarter with The Silence of Hollowind: Investigative Agencies.
- Midnight Tower has 160 pages of fantasy adventures, new monsters and items in Rise of the Ice Dragons Trilogy: A Book of Adventures for 5e.
- David Berrentine has original character options and a campaign setting for 5e in Kickstarter called the Player’s Guide to Oranth.
Gamerati News Update
Gamerati’s video news continues on Facebook and Instagram. In this video, we get a great look at Modiphius’ Conan Exiles Sourcebook.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.