Mekton Zeta is a sci-fi RPG based on mecha anime.

Mekton the RPG was first published in 1985, a year after the Mekton board game came out. Then in 1987, R. Talsorian Games published Mekton II and finally, in 1994, Mekton Zeta, both of which use the Interlock System. Despite being thirty or so years old, Mekton is still doing well and was the second best-selling anime RPG on DriveThruRPG in 2018.
It usually costs $30, but today you can download Mekton Zeta from DTRPG for $0.00.
The 162-page PDF is a scan of a print, but I grabbed a copy and found it easy to read.
In Mekton, the aliens have arrived and are hostile. Their advanced technology and army of clones easily defeated humanity’s outposts on the edge of known space.
When the invasion came, it was swift and savage. We barely had a chance.
But a chance was all we needed.
Humanity has developed mechs in response, using stolen alien technology to do so. There can be a lot of construction in Mekton, with the game providing rules to let you build almost any type of mech.
Curious? Check out Mekton Zeta.