Popular RPG game designer Monte Cook has announced his new RPG. Back in April, Cook made gamer headlines when he quit the D&D Next project, blaming differences of opinion with the company, but backig the #DNDNext team.
His new project, Numenera, is being funded by a Kickstarter campaign and may suggest Cook prefers to push projects on without corporate publishers being required for funding. This would not be the first time; Monte Cook already operates Malhavoc Games which have contributed to Ptolus and Arcana Unearthed.
At the time of posting Monte Cook’s Kickstarter for Numenera is half-way to funding. It has over 120 backers, just over $10,000 and is asking for $20,000. There are a large number of small pledges – just for thanks – but the scale goes up to $10,000 (limtied to just one backer).
Numenera is set a billion years in the future, long after many civilizations have come and gone on Earth. The current technology level is around the Medieval age but there are remnants of previous societies and civilizations all around.
Monte Cook describes a simple system and one that’s designed to be as easy as possible to GM. Characters are put together simply, using descriptive terms to flesh out the character rather than an over reliance on numbers.
Not mentioned in the video is The Character Creator App. This has been designed and produced by 3LB Games (this may be their site) and will be available for iOS and Android, for phone as well as tablet.
Cook’s Ptolus game was a luxury print product and the suggestion is that Numenera will be the same. Backers don’t get a print copy of the game until they pledge up to $60.