Fact: It’s ZineQuest month! Denied: D&D for sale. What a week of RPG news so let’s start with the summary of summaries.
- After some Western outlets picked up a report from a Chinese website, there was wild speculation that D&D was for sale.
- D&D turns 50.
- A report suggests tabletop tables are down again on Kickstarter (not this week; they’re not!)
- Paizo give us a look at their release plans.
- Geek Native’s daily digest is under gremlin control (borked but being repaired).
It’s the start of the month. Yes! Already, and that means Patrons can pick from a shortlist of nominations for the RPG Publisher Spotlight.
Pop over to Patreon to vote.
Voted? Good, we can get on with the complete Routinely Itemised RPG news experience!
Support: Patrons.
RPG news from Geek Native
- Geek Native took a quick look From Genzacon to Gyzaengaxx.
- A report shows that Kickstarter tabletop revenues are down, again.
- The March Spotlight vote is open.
- The Bundle of Holding has a good deal on a Good Society
Spotlight: Terry Maranda
RPG news from around the web

- Having spent a good chunk of 2023 with corporate battles to avoid selling D&D, Hasbro now has to release a statement to deny they’re selling the tabletop game to China’s Tencent. A story covered by many, including EN World, ComicBook and Dexterto.
- Who started the D&D ‘rumour’? Most fingers point at Pandaily.
- Dawn Dalton sums up Paizo unveils GenCon 2024 releases.
- Dicebreaker’s exclusive first look at Pendragon 6E’s Player’s Handbook and The Grey Knight, fantasy RPG’s biggest update in almost 20 years.
- Bell of Lost Souls notes Chaosium’s ‘Pendragon 6E’ Hits Shelves In April.
- Dicebreaker gets a preview of Our Brilliant Ruin has Chase notes Downton Abbey meets Game of Thrones in a new tabletop RPG from D&D and Vampire: The Masquerade writers.
- Dicebreaker has also had a look at the upcoming Snowbright Studio RPG Time Tails, noting that Time Tails looks like a Doctor Who RPG for furries.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Reviews from R’lyeh has looked at Lamentations of the Flame Princess’ Beware the Mindfuck!, Need Games! Fabula Ultima and Nightfall’s quickstart for StokerVerse.
- At Gnome Stew, Jared Rascher shares Everyday Heroes first impressions.
- Throat Punch Games offers a ring side report of Legends of Uganda #1.
- Seed of Worlds reviews Through Sunken Lands.
- At ScreenRant, Kyle Newman talks “Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!.
RPG new releases

- Marvel has released a freebie for their Multiverse RPG with Tony’s Workshop.
- Kenzer & Company has published DAWG: the RPG Ultimate.
- The World Anvil has a new book for Dead Air: Seasons with Archetype Playbooks and one for Brave New World.
- Alligator Alley Entertainment has DriveThruRPG published their Roll20 edition of Esper Genesis 5e.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $52.97 (84%) with Rising Phoenix Games’ Hidden Indie RPG Treasures bundle.
- Save $7.48 in the DMsGuild’s Monsters of the Multiverse Expansions bundle.
- Save $2.01 (17%) with Spotless Dice Games’ Fate of Cthulhu End of Days bundle.
- Evil Genius has been busy with;
- Highlander Starter bundle.
- Total Recall Starter bundle.
- Rambo Starter bundle.
- Pacific Rim Starter bundle.
- Kong: Skull Island Starter bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- A stage actor offers D&D non-combat roleplay tips.
- Chaosium’s Greg Stafford owned and then lost the first ever copy of D&D sold.
- The Saturday Evening Post writes up 50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Big Moments.
- Akratic Wizardry asks Will Gygax’s Castle Greyhawk finally be published?
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth mentioning;

- 8-BIT THEATER THE ROLEPLAYING GAME from Brian nominates “Where You’re the Light Warriors Getting Isekai’d to Save a Bunch of Worlds But It Always Goes Wrong Because They Are Real Bad at This”
- Fantasy TTRPG Maps – Digital, Print Ready & with VTT support from Miniatures by Ace crowdfunds “Hi, I’m here to share some maps for tabletop games. Each map is available in multiple formats, ready for screen, print & Foundry VTT.”
- Thirty Horrors – A Mothership RPG Compatible Bestiary from Crow Heart Roleplay Resources proposes “Thiry Horrors Compatible with the Sci-Fi RPG Mothership #ZineQuest”
- DiceKnight Adventures lvl 2: The Reprintening from Josh Arnolde raises funds for “Funding our next run of rulebooks & the 2024 Season”
- Tabletop Gone Mad: No-Prep Fill-in-the-Blank TTRPG One-Shots from Twice Rolled Tales introduces “We’re making custom tabletop roleplaying games accessible for new and experienced players. Meet your no-prep solution to game night!”
- Aetherian Legends TBC – Zine Quest from Josef Vaccaro introduces “A zine quest mini campaign reattempt from last year. Can you brave and solve the incident of ravens haunting the Crystamol Settlement?”
- Steampunk Saga from Brett Nugent kickstarts “A Victorian Age Dungeon Crawler”
- Monster Tactics: Guardians of Winter from Cody crowdfunds “A One-Shot Adventure for 5e Dungeons and Dragons”
- Foelio Vol.1 for use with OSR from Jeremy Hart Illos offers “17 new monsters for your OSR game. #Zinequest”
- AVA – The Waterproof Board Game Table from Anders J. Dissing nominates “Dining and board game table. Danish design, Danish Production, Danish Wood: Beech, Oak, Maple or Red Elm. 70x47x29inch / 180x120x74,5cm”
- Seraphina RPG from Thomas Leigh is working on “Seraphina is a RPG gaming world, created from scratch, designed so all the information to be delivered in one affordable book”
- Hollow Dungeons from XploringMap pitches “Dungeon Cards for any fantasy TTRPG.”
- Shrine Bearer (DnD 5e+ class) from Aqua Ursine Press offers “Invoke spirits with this Japanese-inspired class for 5e and beyond!”
- Veil of the Eternal Night: Dark Fantasy for 5e and MythCraft from Grant Mielke kickstarts “Massive D&D 5e and MythCraft Tome + Campaign. Tabletop Roleplaying Gothic Horror & Vampire Hunting inspired by Dark Fantasy Legends.”
- The Wizard Sea Chronicles – Volume 1 from Christophor Rick & Magnetic Spaghetti nominates “A zine of TTRPG system agnostic creatures, locations & adventures in the Wizard Sea region I’ve developed over 10+ yrs.”
- The Terrain Set – 2 RPG battle map books with scenery decals from Loke Battle Mats suggests “Construct your own bespoke RPG maps! Two Books of Battle Mats featuring terrain maps which include reusable scenery stickers.”
- Cthulhu & Gelatinous Cube Dice Guardians from Morgan Hubbart proposes “Plushie Cthulhu and Gelatinous Cube Dice Guardian. Horde dice in style.”
- The Jadeleaf Jungle (5e) by Belazan Games from Belazan Games offers “Begin at 5th level and ascend to level 8 in an epic DnD 5e adventure through the Jadeleaf Jungle and the temple of Naiset!”
- BESM Retro Second Edition RPG plus BESM 4E Expansions from Dyskami Publishing kickstarts “After being out of print for over 20 years, the Big Eyes, Small Mouth multi-genre anime RPG is back in a Retro Second Edition!”
- Dice Dumbbells & Dragons from Patrick Englehardt suggests “A fitness based TTRPG where exercise powers your in game character.”
- Heroes: FoE from Jacob Wilson proposes “Become your own hero in a world where steampunk meets high fantasy in this new comparative d6 TableTop Role-Playing Game (TTRPG)”
- INFECT-DEAD: A Post Apocalyptic TTRPG from Jason Armstrong introduces “A modern, post apocalyptic, zombie survival TTRPG built from the ground up for a unique gaming experience.”
- Skeleton Cemetery STL & 5e D&D Module – Pay what you want from Cavalier 3d Miniatures proposes “50+ STLs + Stretchgoals + 5e DND one shot – 3D Skeleton army & Graveyard scatter – 3D Printing STL Miniatures for Role Playing”
- Over War: The Night Comes Down – Monarch Edition from Alex T. crowdfunds “A Gothic Fantasy Strategy RPG inspired by the classic JRPG console games and the OSR”
- Spells Swords and adventures from Augustin_protin offers “Help me create the greatest RPG in the history of humanity.”
- One For Sorrow: A 5e Campaign from William Moore proposes “Whispers in the Mist: An Eldritch Tale of Shadows and Secrets”
- Ganymede Outriders from Giles Pritchard crowdfunds “A table top role playing game of buggies, mayhem, and peril! Ganymede Outriders is a big game in a small package!”
- Make100|Year the of Dragon Handmade Dice with Origami Dragon from Blue Crystal Atelier pitches “Make 100 unique handmade custom sharpedge dice with origami dragons for the year of the dragon.”
- Land of Vampires: Slipping into Shadow from Grove Guardian Press proposes “A One-on-One 5e Campaign for Levels 1-10”
- The Pit of Blasphemy from Tania Herrero proposes “An intoxicating scenario compatible with Mörk Borg and fermented in blasphemy, with dreadful miniatures, doomed music and art heavy.”
- Assignment #126 – The Great Memorial [Candela Obscura] from Mr. Dragonbane is working on “A tragedy has fallen on the city of Newfaire as a veteran is murdered by his wife during Memorial Week and his son has gone missing.”
- Within the Kind Red Building – A Sci Fi Solo Journaling RPG from Ryan K Lindsay nominates “This solo writing rpg uses an inventive game mechanic to build a sci fi building crawl where you might not ever get out.”
- Make 100 Battle Bookmarks! from Lester Smith is working on “A combat-specific supplement for the DriveThruRPG best-selling Bookmark No HP RPG”
- An Intro to the Fragment Realms • a D&D 5e Planar Handbook from Jayke pitches “A DnD5e Handbook that introduces Portal Creation Mechanics and a set of new Planar Settings for your tabletop games.”
- The Curse of Mizzling Grove from Diel Cartulary is working on “A fantasy roleplaying adventure module”
- The Abbot Trilogy from Stuart Watkinson introduces “Three system-agnostic old school style adventures to use in your favourite TTRPG.”
- PERFORMANCE REVIEW: An Office Survival RPG from Cirque du Nocturne suggests “A 5E modern horror adventure set in corporate offices! Play as ordinary office workers who find themselves fighting for their lives!”
- Deck of Old-School Encounters Set Two, OSR Fantasy RPG Cards from Philip Reed submits “72 more encounter cards for use with almost any fantasy RPG! May be used alone or combined with Set 1. Written by Philip Reed.”
- DNGN CLUB: Relics Remastered Vol. 1 from Jack Panic pitches “A collected anthology of over 100 different TTRPG system agnostic tools, monsters, encounter, items, hacks, and more.”
- Life-Paths ~ A Shadowdark Supplement from Daniel James kickstarts “A narrative-designed, choice-driven, dice-rolling approach to add further boons and banes to your Shadowdark characters.”
- The Tower – A System Agnostic Puzzle Dungeon Crawl from Lola Johnson introduces “A fantastical tower, home to a puzzling recluse — were you invited, or did you just wake up here? Either way, now you have to escape…”
- Dungeon Rune – The Great Dream from Jimmy Clephane crowdfunds “Tools and Templates to help anyone to write RPG games”
- Knight: Second Edition from Mark Baker pitches “Will you ride into legend?”
- Battle School from Andrew Beauman pitches “Play as young savant cadets aboard a military space station academy in this team-based TTRPG.”
- Frozen Frontier from Mitchell Tierney proposes “A Solo Role-Playing Game”
- Nether Regionz Magazine Issue #158 from Mike Riley raises funds for “We found a few cases of the March 1998 issue of Nether Regionz Magazine in the back of the warehouse just in time for Zine Quest! 😉”
- Black Water Bay: Lotta Water #zinequest from Brea Bolton is working on “A low-level Tabletop Roleplaying adventure set in a mysterious flooded desert compatible with 5e and OSR!”
- Bergmál from Charles Masse submits “A rule-agnostic pointcrawl generator using a set of runes.”
- Super M.E.G.A Heroes 2d6 Tabletop RPG Zine from Luke Illes pitches “A Beginner-Friendly Tabletop RPG for New Heroes! Dive into our 2d6 System, Great for Young & Aspiring Gamers. Created for Zinequest!”
- Into Merrkundia, Book #2 of the Andror Adventure Path for P2 from Salati Verba Deorum kickstarts “The sequel to Portal to Andror, these adventures take your Level 3 party to 5 in Pathfinder® Second Edition with Foundry VTT support.”
- Death Enters the Saloon from Daniele Di Rubbo submits “A weird Western role-playing filler about guilt, judgement and fear of Death. #ZineQuest2024”
- Terror of the Stratosfiend : SNAKE WOLF 3 (Mega-Dungeon) from Sean Christopher Charles Richer pitches “An endless dive into a Mega-Dungeon—chases a man who dared to touch a god! A paranoid, conspiracy laden, Level 1-6+ adventure for DCC.”
- ZineQuest: dGö – your story in your hands from Christian Buggedei raises funds for “The only roleplaying game that uses the totally unique dGö!”
- The Alcohol Golem Guide for 5e from Mériate Games is working on “A 1€ mini-guide all about Alcohol Golems for 5e, with lore, stat blocks and magic items!”
- You Are A Billionaire And One Day You Will Die from Big Lizard Games suggests “A solo RPG about the arcane darkness that lies in every billionaire’s soul.”
- Dreamlands & Dragons from S.K.Dinning proposes “For TTRPG fans and their little ones. A collection of fun poems for bedtime that you will all enjoy. #ZineQuest”
- The Arcanist’s Tavern – Gaming Cafe from Alchemy Games submits “Roll dice & unravel mysteries in a real rustic fantasy tavern, located in the heart of Shoreditch!”
- Dragon Skull – Dice Tower from Victorya suggests “STL files to print a realistic Dragon Skull Dice Tower for tabletop gaming!”
- Spara Electronics – A Salvage Union Catalogue from Fiona Ruthven suggests “A catalogue of mechs, vehicles, drones and more for Salvage Union.”
- Seelie Court from Sadie Woods suggests “A 3-player courtroom RPG steeped in Scots mythology”
- Dwellers of the Bog | A Mörk Borg compatible campaign module from The Dungeon’s Key crowdfunds “A Mörk Borg compatible campaign module: Uncover the Bog’s ancient and foul secrets, with 5 new classes and 11 dungeons to explore.”
- The Elixir of Kosomodes: A Zine Quest adventure for DCC RPG from Greg Setliff / Bug Professor suggests “A level-1, city-themed, weird fantasy TTRPG adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics.”
- Campanions: A TTRPG Inspired by Video Game Companions from Spilled Coffee Creatives introduces “Campanions is the game that answers the question, “what do those NPCs actually do while they wait around camp all day?””
- OVERBOARD Adventures seafaring shonen-style TTRPG #Zinequest from Epistolary Richard nominates “Innovative tabletop rpg of close-knit crews and fantastical quests on the high seas, e.g. One Piece, Pirates of the Caribbean”
- Heroic Deeds RPG from Peter Lattimore raises funds for “A goal-based heroic fantasy role-playing game. Old-school adventures, with modern mechanics.”
- Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 31 from Todd nominates “Issue 31 in the Populated Hexes Monthly series, in classic zine format!”
- No Nazis in Valhalla from Wes Ascolese offers “A NSR TTRPG about heroic actions, fighting wrongs, and burying axes in Nazis. Grindcore System.”
- Galactic Grit: A Fantasy Space Western TTRPG from C.M Replogle offers “A rules-light TTRPG set in a fantastically gritty space western. High-trust with swift character creation & collaborative storytelling.”
- Tomb of The Doom Smith from Bram Boyd offers “A doom and gloom mini-setting/ mega-crawl zine for 5e.”
- Beetle Knight from Jim Hall is working on “A Bug-Sized Tabletop Role-Playing Game for ZineQuest”
- Zine Quest: HOMETOWNE – A world-building RPG from Dawson Ellis offers “Cooperate and compete to develop the history of your side of town. Draft cards, assign prompts, and write your faction’s story!”
- Grim Harvest from Marco Calesella raises funds for “Grim Harvest is a hybrid dungeon crawler boardgame/ttrpg for 1-5 players, set in a gloomy world on the brink of disaster.”
- NUKED!: Totally Radical Tales Issues #1 & #2 from Sean “Mac” McClellan is working on “Two brand-new supplements for NUKED!: A Radioactive Knave Hack!”
- €1 One Shot: The Vanishing of Alise Lipska from Ardann Creative pitches “A 5e Compatible Investigation Adventure”
- TAPE: An RPG About Connection from Michael Hawkins raises funds for “TAPE is an RPG Zine about the search for connection through playlist creation.”
- The Sorcerer’s Fate from Nerdronomicon raises funds for “Darkness and mayhem await the village losers sent to learn the sorcerer’s fate in this 0-level funnel for Dungeon Crawl Classics.”
- Void Above from Murkdice raises funds for “Venture into a colourful solar system with light rules and hard sci-fi.”
- Subterranean Fightin’ Freaks from Andrew Misisco raises funds for “A freakishly fun tabletop RPG where you play mutants living it up on the streets of Chicago.”
- CONVICT-ION TTRPG #ZineQuest from W.H. Arthur proposes “Use your GENDER to find the truth and break free in this TTRPG inspired by the philosophy of Butler and Foucault”
- Guillotine: Crown of Blood from guillotinettrpg is working on “Harness heretical magic, discover cutting-edge technology, and overthrow the crown in this Gothic fantasy TTRPG.”
- Bookwyrm: Loot some books! from Hungry Familiar pitches “This zine contains a list of books for your players to loot in your next ttrpg, along with a book-hoarding dragon and playable map.”
- Diverse D&D Character Tokens from Next Guardian LLC submits “Diverse tokens for Dungeons and Dragons and other TTRPGs”
- Tokugawa Guardians – 3D Printable STL Samurai Miniatures from Forged Path Miniatures raises funds for “Edo Period Japanese Samurai miniatures for Tabletop Role-Playing Games and Wargames, 30mm scale. Resin 3D Printing STL Files.”
- Advanced Attunement for 5e from Mosey kickstarts “A better way to handle attunement mechanics for the world’s most popular role playing game – 5E compatible”
- The Ancient Graveyard from Dadi Dungeon & Dintorni raises funds for “3D Printable Fantasy Scenery for your Tabletop, RPGs, and Wargames”
- Rogue’s Gambit: The Night of the Crimson Veil from Ninetoes82 proposes “An outrageous and outlandish gambit, a deadly foe, and a city hangs in the balance. A heist adventure for Dungeons and Dragons 5E.”
- HIC: Tapestry – Toilet Roll Paper Game from Tanuki Games raises funds for “Tell an epic story depicting epic events on a tapestry crafted from a roll of toilet paper! A unique and artistic TRPG! #zinequest”
- Death Game from Laurie O’Connel suggests “Fight for your life for the entertainment of the rich and powerful in this narrative-driven RPG”
- TerrorVision from Lex Mandrake is working on “Don the jumpsuits of Spectral Exterminators in this point-crawl ttrpg adventure across a fictional 1986 NYC”
- A Tower Made of Sky from Sam Hollon pitches “A system-neutral bestiary of thirty allegorical monsters: psychological spirits, philosophical beasts, and otherworldly geographies.”
- Desecrated – A Cursed Offering for Mörk Borg from The Rolled Standard crowdfunds “A forest hexcrawl, multiple classes, creatures, and relics from the good folks at The Rolled Standard, featuring art by Tazio Bettin.”
- Dustland Saga: The Road of Wrath – a Fabula Ultima zine from Eric Garneau pitches “an unofficial, John Steinbeck-inspired adventure module compatible with the Fabula Ultima TTRPG”
- GOBLINS! from Twin Magi Games pitches “A zine containing goblin, hobgoblin, and bugbear classes for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.”
- Letters to the Stars: An Epistolary RPG from W.M. Akers raises funds for “A solo roleplaying game you can play with your friends.”
- QA: A 12 page module for the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror RPG from SL Perry crowdfunds “An orbital disaster, a race against time, and one very special robot. Escape with the target, save some lives, or die trying.”
- TOKU LEGENDS from Polyhedra Games pitches “A TTRPG zine supplement inspired by henshin heroes such as Power Rangers / Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and more!”
- Which Way? from Justin Hickey offers “A self contained, ultra portable dungeon drawing zine game.”
- Secret Vault of the Windswept Island from WONDER TWIN HARMONY submits “A classic fantasy horror adventure for Old-School Essentials and other OSR games where death is assured, but not the end.”
- 1d100 Interstellar Encounters from Terry Herc proposes “100 system-neutral RPG encounters jammed into a 28 page half-letter zine!”
- Disaster Inc. from Michael Hall Lindsey suggests “A Groovy, Goofy Spy-Themed Tabletop Role Playing Game”
- Your Friend in Witchcraft from Kay Allen pitches “Create characters, build worlds, and exchange handwritten letters in this creative storytelling game for two players.”
- Rock the Apocalypse – A Tabletop Roleplaying Game from Orcs Unlimited proposes “Bring weapons to deal with the raiders, bring instruments to play gigs at the outposts for money and food. Can you Rock the Apocalypse?”
- PULP HEROES from Jeremy Shuman is working on “Campaign Options for Sword & Sorcery Style DCC Campaigns”
- The Web of Dreams-5E Compatible from Andrew Taylor suggests “A new class and 5 races that all draw their power from the Web of Dreams- an interconnected cultural subconscious that links us all.”
- d’Artagnan’s Lycanthrope Survival Guide from d’Artagnan suggests “A guide to survive your encounters with lycanthropes, be they others or yourself for both 5e and Pathfinder Second Edition.”
- Wandlore: A Crafty Witch TTRPG for 1-4 Players from Leslie Arambula pitches “Create a unique wand, develop your magic, and explore the world either with friends or on your own in this enchanting TTRPG system.”
- Old School & Cool 5 from Wind Lothamer crowdfunds “A zine for Old-School Essentials”
- Perfect Momentum: A Diceless Bossfight TTRPG from Slade Stolar nominates “Perfect Momentum is a tabletop RPG in which four immortal heroes hunt down and destroy machine-monsters that haunt the post-apocalypse.”
- The Wizard’s Library: Three 1st- & 2nd-level Grimoires from Vincent Baker kickstarts “An RPG zine of spellbooks for The Wizard’s Grimoire, by the creators of Apocalypse World, Firebrands, and Under Hollow Hills.”
- The Sewers & the Stars: a Hidden Isle Zine from Causa Creations suggests “Journey to Rome and Zanzibar in this swashbuckling Tarot-based TTRPG. A standalone expansion with 2 new classes, cities & scenarios.”
- The Neon Jungle from Scotland James Galloway nominates “A gonzo post-apocalyptic location supplement compatible with Mutant Crawl Classics RPG.”
- Fishbone Archipelago: Lost Lighthouse from Mikhail Malkin is working on “A system-agnostic fantasy adventure about surviving a shipwreck on an uncharted island”
- The Last Ride of the Rustwyrm – Zine Quest 2024 from Ben Farrow nominates “A solo storytelling game zine about a restored pirate ship, a teenage girl, and her place in a thriving post-apocalyptic desert world”
- Petit Marronage from Chris Kindred submits “Liberation in the Great Dismal Swamp”
- Steamboat Willie: A Solo TTRPG from Wannabe Games offers “Mickey Mouse returns to the river to explore new adventures, potato peeling hijinks, and playing farm animals like a xylophone.”
- Dragons Under the Mountain: Monsters in Iverglendar from Dragon Scale Games proposes “A 5e-Compatible Terramyr Adventure for Characters of Level 1-2.”
- Grotten – 1 Bit Deeper from Tommy Sunzenauer nominates “Minimalistic oldschool tile-based dungeon crawl TTRPG. Solo, co-op, with or without a GM. 1-bit dark fantasy setting.”
- Fealty from Michael Elliott nominates “A token-based TTRPG of courtly drama, incompetent monarchs, and the commoners who steer them. #ZineMonth”
- Me, the Singularity – a #Zinequest TTRPG from Michael Duxbury submits “A haunted-house-in-space game about knowing yourself and others”
- Rughalt’s Lost Stories from Rughalt nominates “Dive into never-before-released adventures for 5th Edition and Pathfinder Second Edition from Dragonshorn Studios!”
- The Black Wren – a ZineQuest game from Milouch kickstarts “An impressionist game with no characters to embody a rural environment”
- Tiny Fables from Josiah offers “An adventure collection for Mausritter inspired by folklore and fairy-tales.”
- The Soft: A TROIKA! TTRPG Setting Zine #ZineQuest from Telling Tales offers “A vast rambling pillow-fort of uncertain origins. A claustrophobic world of cushioned fabric-bound weirdness and gonzo cosmic horror.”
- TTRPG Combat Tracker Journal from Evil Pigeon Games kickstarts “A notebook to manage and keep track of all your tabletop combats!”
- Mystery Under Magi-Mart from Bodie H raises funds for “A fully illustrated pick-your-path adventure book, taking you into the depths of a quirky magic store’s dungeon basement.”
- Dimday Red TTRPG – Nodus Zine 02 from Spiros Drakatos raises funds for “Neu Bonn expands into the ominous slums of Fleisch District, including a mini adventure that will unleash the Center’s darkest shadows!”
- Milk Bar: sci-fi roleplaying in post-Soviet Poland from Eryk Sawicki suggests “Create your Communard, dive into abandoned Soviet research facilities, and upgrade your Milk Bar. For the people!”
- Chambers of Agony from Dice & Dish crowdfunds “Chambers of Agony 3rd party Zine compatible with Mork Borg & Shadowdark. Two adventures, new items, classes, and more!”
- GAS! GAS! GAS! – A Mothership one-shot from WacoMatrixo pitches “A one-shot scenario for the sci-fi horror TTRPG, Mothership. Escaping a major gas leak from a subterranean prison.”
- The Magus & The Oracle – Solo RPG & Inspiration Deck from Oscar Biffi offers “A journaling RPG about pathos, arcana, and the infinite loneliness of power – plus an oracle deck for inspiration, by momatoes.”
- Dungeon of the Week – for your TTRPG (Zine Quest) from Marcin Wójcik proposes “Adventures and maps for your weekly in-person and VTT RPG sessions”
- The Clean Up Crew (A DND One Shot Adventure) from Lute Loot is working on “You have come to possess an invitation to a job to clear some pests before an upcoming party, I’m sure nothing will go wrong”
- Notorious Style | A Solo TTRPG about Graffiti and Street Art from Fraud kickstarts “Notorious Style is a journaling and sketching game for one. Emergent storytelling meets the streets. #ZineMonth”
- Stress-Free NPCs from Heather Osborne nominates “A zine full of NPCs in genres from solarpunk to cosmic horror, swashbuckler to slice of life, conspiracy thriller, superheros and more!”
- The Forgotten House: A Horrifying Adaptable Adventure For 5e from Mizo Games submits “Enter if you dare, escape if you can…”
- Witch’s Cat: A Solo RPG for ZineQuest from Scott Russell Morris proposes “You can do amazing magical feats to help your witch…but maybe after a cat nap. A solo RPG of magical adventure and cute catastrophes.”
- The Lair of the Bog Lich from Medora Games submits “A boggy OSR micro-adventure Zine for 1st level characters.”
- Cult of the Morach: An Old School Adventure from Scott Wegener crowdfunds “A GLAIVE adventure for characters levels 2-4!”
- Mapazine from Julius raises funds for “Zine full of gorgeous maps and inspirational bits for fantasy worlds. System Independent.”
- 52 Pickup: The TTRPG Collection from City Square Studios proposes “A collection of three original TTRPG zines each with unique systems, themes, and mechanics.”
- Drakonia – Fantasy RPG from Gamers Hunter Edizioni pitches “Claim the power that was lost in the fight between two ancestral dragons. Only then can you dominate Drakonia. [ENG/ITA]”
- GUTGUN- a boomer shooter TTRPG from Garrett Lewis pitches “GUTGUN is a 1-2 player TTRPG that translates the blood-pumping fun of a classic PC shooter to tabletop. #ZineQuest”
Do you know of an RPG news source that we don’t? Let us know, or leave a comment below.