We’ve made it again! Another Friday and another round-up of RPG news.
The big event this week is SD Comic Con. I’ll be at the not-for-profit Capital Sci-Fi Con 2022 instead. As a result, the podcast will be delayed by a day.
The summary of summaries is:
- The Christmas in July mega sale is on.
- The D&D: Honour Among Thieves trailer is out, sparking debates about owlbears and the wrong/stolen/borrowed art.
- The official 5e-powered Doctor Who RPG is out.
- There’s a giant collection of Torg Eternity bundles now available.
- D&D’s Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel press machine is awake.
As ever, there’s more detail, but not too much detail, in the bullet summary sections below.
Links take you to Geek Native’s coverage or to sites that did it first and better. If there’s a site that routinely does RPG news, does it well, and you don’t think it gets mentioned here, then drop me a note, and I’ll take a look.
Now, let’s journey on through the Radiant Collection of RPG news;
Win: The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide
RPG news from Geek Native
- It’s the big discount deal of the year as DriveThruRPG and sister sites do Christmas in July.
- There’s a new D&D playtest ruleset with a Spelljammer and/or sci-fi flavour with Wonders of the Multiverse.
- The D&D 5e-powered and already popular Doctor Who Doctors and Daleks is out.
- Also from D&D is their owlbear discussion sparking Honour Among Thieves movie trailer.
- Ulisses Spiele teases an English translation of the gothic action-horror RPG HeXXen 1733.
- Modiphius released their SRD and support program 2d20 World Builders. (SRD link)
- Jay Mewes of Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob spots his famous character in some D&D artwork.
- The Red Room released a Pay What You Want, with $0 suggested, for the Wretched Époque Quickstart.
- Aetherfly Games released a freebie in the shape of RPXpress Basic.
- Flagbearer Games released the generous Nations & Cannons Starter Rules as a free download.
- At the Bundle of Holding you can grab the 2019 second edition of the transhuman sci-fi horror Eclipse Phase and over two dozen d20 Mongoose magic books.
- Meanwhile, at Humble, there’s a generous deal on the Star Trek Adventures RPG.
Spotlight: Long Shadows Press
RPG news from around the web

- Maybe it was before the Pathfinder art in D&D poster drama, but Paizo showed neighbourly grace with a congrats to Wizards tweet about the Radiant Citadel.
- Amy Ratcliffe got an exclusive first look at some D&D: Honour Among Thieves toys.
- ICv2 wrote up this D&D: Quasit Life-Sized Familiar. I think… I think I want one.
- Hasbro’s financial results are in, with Christian Hoffer noting Wizards of the Coast Had Its Biggest Quarter Ever while Yahoo had this live report, and Hasbro reports mixed earnings amid tabletop gaming growth.
- Given dramas with certain old TSR titles, I think Liam Sunner at Queen’s University Belfast it timely with How Dungeons & Dragons protects its IP as popularity rises.
Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
Welcome to this one-time (unless it’s two times) only special section for a hot D&D new release. You can order Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel.
- Scott Baird interviewed scenario designers Dominique Dickey, Stephanie Yoon and then offered help with How To Run Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel As a Campaign.
- USA Today’s Jordan Culver opines Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel’: 16 writers, all people of color, shape new Dungeons & Dragons book.
- J.R. Zambrano notes ‘Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel’ – Thirteen New Perspectives On 5E.
- Related releases include Anne Gregersen’s Monster Loot – Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Rob Wieland offers up a review of Swords of the Serpentine.
- Rob then, for Forbes, gives us an early look at Adventures In Rokugan For Dungeons & Dragons.
- Jared Rascher looks into Incantations (5e) and the Unearthed Arcana Wonders of the Multiverse.
- James Maliszewski writes up a look back at the Cthulhu Companion.
- Pits Perilous reviewed Have Axe, Will Travel.
- The Alexandrian shared a review of D&D’s Call of the Netherdeep and part two.
- Throat Punch Games reviewed the micro We Hunt Bugs 2e.
- Adventures under the Dark Sun offered up Secrets of the Dead Lands Review, Chapter 6.
- At EN World, Egg Embry runs a When the Wolf Comes interview with Ian Stuart Sharpe.
- Charles Dunwoody talks Death in Space with Plogfors and Niblaeus.
RPG new releases

- Brian Duguid expanded RuneQuest and the Hunchen totem animal peoples with The Children of Hykim.
- Backwater Games published the adventure The Prince of Darkness is a Gentleman.
- Azukail Games has a copper bestseller with 100 Tips for Being a Better Player.
- Tyler Elliott hit publish on the super-powered and narrative-focused Metroville.
- Ardacious Pty gave us a set of free to download guides with The Beginning | 5e D&D Adventure using AR models and The Haunting | AR models Playthrough Guide | Call of Cthulhu.
- Handiwork Games gives us 1930s setting for The Silver Road with In Spoons, In Knives.
- Evil Pigeon Games published the 300+ page plus Junkyard at the Edge.
- Parts Per Million released their expansion Mech Rider – Solo Roleplaying Lancer
- Modiphius released the horrors of Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Shadows of Atlantis 2d20 Edition (PDF).
- Modiphius also gave us their free 2D20 SRD.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $98.75 (79.8%) with Avant Novis Gaming’s Supporter’s Buddel bundle.
- Save $74.43 (86%) with Seafoot Games’ Patreon Maps & Adventures January 2021 bundle.
- Save $17.56 (44%) with Outlandish Studios’ Art Bundle of Awesomeness 1 bundle.
- Save $3.40 (20%) with Melpomene Gaming’s Games First Five in PDF bundle.
- Save $2.12 (10%) with Rolepress’ Fate Plus Bundle 1.
- It’s a great week if you want to go from zero to hero with Ulisses Spiele’s Torg Eternity. Here are the bundles;
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Dice Don’t Die and Hellfire mugs become some of the best D&D riff Stranger Things merch yet.
- Ben Riggs writes up the The forgotten story of D&D creator TSR’s failed attempt to break into comics and become the next Marvel or DC.
- For CBC News, Taylor Simmons shares Why role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons is seeing a resurgence of interest.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught GeekNative’ss attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- Dark Elf Dice are back with solid and Giant Metal D20 Dice II.
- Adventurers Essentials are crowdfunding hand made 7 piece and d6 mystery Meeple Soap.
- Lesha Porch is an illustrator who has funded 60 rooms of Kooky Spooky RPG Map.
- Dark-Art-Studios are Norwich-based artists offering dark fantasy metal and resin Cultists.
- Diving Hippo Studio have a great name and perhaps a perfect Valentine’s Day gift with Handcrafted Butterfly & Bee Flower Glass Dice.
- Mikkel Jensen has started a project, and I’m not sure if it’s a bluff or not as it’s called Secret Dice. Kickstarter has, in theory, rules about running two projects at once. Mikkel also has a project with a fraction of the target of Secret Dice called Tabletop Dice.
- Christian Brachert is crowdfunding some Quick 5e Side Quests – 1€.
- Rene Lausdahl is working on a tabletop system for ages 6 and up. It’s the Academy of Heroes.
- Tom has water and crystal inspired Rose ice crystal sharp edge dice.
- An OSR game with better mechanics is promised in Mystic Days: A Lethal High Fantasy RPG.
- BiteSizedGaming has a game where the crew just try and get by in a rough galaxy. It’s Scrap Rats: Mothership 1e
- STONEworks Gaming is funding part one of their horror 5e game with GrymWyrd Tales – Volume 1: Siblings.
- Impact! Miniatures offer 7 new dice, new DCC content and dragon eye dice bags. Welcome to Unleashed Arcana RPG Dice & DCC Sets along with D18s & D22s
- Rod Waibel returns to Kickstarter with a 5e supplement called Twilight Fables.
- Hosein is offering D&D maps and more with Triple Tilemap Package + NPCs, Enemies, Items and D&D Story.
- Missed the first four? Here’s a new chance with 3Dice Series 5 – Elevate Your Gaming Experience.
- ClosetNerds would know whether a druid can wildshape into an owlbear as they’re crowdfunding Druid Wild Shape Reference Deck.
- Tod Gilliom is offering a new way to roll dice with Rota Fortunae Dice Alternative.
- Nicholas Paschall has a campaign setting, modules and extra books for Pathfinder in Nyssia: Kingdoms of Terra.
- Luis Moreno is offering designs of their personal view of the Underdark in The Spider’s Den: Hero’s Journey Collection STL -2-.
- The Grinning Frog recommend only experienced Dungeon Masters try The Midnight Ball.
- Anthony Christou has hollow dice of a wolf howling and wall art dice trays with the Call of the Moon Metal Dice Set
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.