Mage Hand Press has a success on their hands with the Starter Set for their D&D in space game Dark Matter.
Geek Native had the small team in the RPG Publisher Spotlight of December 2019 and asked them how their first Kickstarter went. That was the Kickstarter for Dark Matter which raised $40,815. They said that project had gone “Surprisingly well!”.
Well, now they may need to reevaluate what good looks like as after only a few days the Dark Matter Starter Set has taken in more than $110,000. You can see the latest figures over at the campaign page.
If you’re curious about Dark Matter, a sci-fi game that cites both Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Doom as inspirations, then you can check out a free demo on Mage Hands Press’s website.
It’s a pledge of $15 for the PDF version of the Starter Kit, but only $30 (plus shipping) to get the actual Starter Kit added in.
If you already know you want to jump straight to full Dark Matter, then $40 will get you the PDF of the main rules, and the Starter Kit and $50 will get you the hardcopy of Dark Matter and PDF.
However, over 400 backers (and multiplying) have just jumped to the chase and gone for $75 to get both the core rules and Starter Kit in hardback and physical form.

Backers can go even higher, and the publisher has teamed up with Level Up Dice to offer some unique hematite dice and with Wyrmwood to provide a dice vault to put them in.