Hunters Entertainment have a bold and innovative RPG idea they’ve taken to Kickstarter. It’s a silent roleplaying game.
Players communicate only using their phones, sending messages to each other as and when they discover clues about the disappearance of Alice. It funded in hours and you can check the latest status over at campaign page.
The game is a mystery. Why is Alice missing? Text messages are the initial clues. Why did you text Alice?
The game is being brought to us by a partnership we’re very familiar with now. Hunters made the game. Renegade Game Studios will handle the logistics.
There will be a Roll20 version.
A pledge of US$10 gets you the digital version of the game, and $20 gets you the physical (excluding shipping). I’m generally happy with digital but notice that Alice is Missing uses cards. I think I’d prefer to have those professionally made.
Alternatively, $20 gets you the PDF and the Roll20 version. Pay $40 for everything.
The estimated delivery for the digital, including Roll20, is July 2020. Next month. That’s fast. The game must be pretty much good to go, but the physical shipping is listed as November 2020.
Alice is Missing does not need a GM as such. There is a facilitator role, but that player has an active part in the game. You do need a computer, though, as well as players who can use a group instant messenger.
How does Alice is missing work?
If you’re still not sure how a silent RPG could work, then I recommend this explanation from Becca Scott.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!