Phew! It’s been another busy week. I had one connection to make on my train trip to Tabletop Gaming Live in Manchester. While I was on stage one, stage two of the trip was cancelled.
I made it, though.
Let’s sum up the RPG news summary first;
- Those Tabletop Gaming Awards have been announced.
- The official Elric Saga RPG, Mournblade, will be published in English.
- The Washington Post covers nuTSR, racism and the legal battle.
- Modiphius launch their Achtung! Cthulhu anniversary.
- D&D 3.5 is back in print (kinda).
Also, it’s not strictly RPG news, but just to highlight that, this week, I wrote up the site’s AI content policy.
Yeah, I know. Even having a policy will upset people. Feedback, especially kindly constructive feedback, is most welcome.
Now, let’s dive in with all that tabletop news!
Competition: Chaos Curios Candles
RPG news from Geek Native
- The Tabletop Gaming Awards 2022 have announced their winners.
- Le Department announces they’ll translate to English and release Mournblade, the official Elric RPG.
- Wizards of the Coast change their mind on dropping some Adventurers League modules.
- Geek Native landed an early look at Loke BattleMats’ Castles, Crypts & Caverns.
- Battlefield Press launch a 5e beta version of Gaslight Victorian Fantasy.
- The D&D 3.5 core rule books, and more, are kinda back in print.
- 9th Level Games release their free to download / Free RPG Day supporting Level 1 for 2022.
- At the Bundle of Holding there’s an Apocalypse Engine deal and Knights of the Dinner Table deal.
Humble as an RPG comics bundle.
Spotlight: Battleaxes and Brimstone
RPG news from around the web

- The Washington Post asks Can Trademark Law Stop a Racist Role-Playing Game?
- Matt Jarvis writes up that Actual play network Dragon wants to be a Netflix for tabletop RPGs
- Osprey reveals mechanics details on their RPG Crescendo of Violence.
- Brandon Sanderson and Brotherwise Games will develop a Stormlight Roleplaying Game.
- The virtual RPG platform Role now supports Vast Grimm and CyberMetal 2012.
- BoingBoing and Sonja videos the second largest LARP in the world Drachenfest.
- Dicebreaker writes up Legend of Zelda inspired RPG embraces classic video game tropes.
- Modiphius launch their Achtung! Cthulhu Anniversary Celebration and that includes the Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Starter.
- GAMA changes the Origins Awards’ Categories.
- Renegade dodged their promise of a Geek Native interview but has hired Jason Keeley.
- Chaosium has announced official Chaosium Con 2023 t-shirts.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Roleplayers Chronicle reviews Modiphius Entertainment – Agents of Dune.
- Egg Embry reviews NerdBurger Games’ Code Warriors.
- Rob Wieland reviews the 5e Doctors and Daleks.
- TechRaptor’s Andrew Stretch reviews Wizkids’ Spelljammer: Adventures In Space D&D Miniatures.
- Jared Rascher reviews the Pugmire sourcebook Squeaks in the Deep.
- The TTRPG Factory reviews The Wizards & The Wastes 2e.
- A Kay Purcell at Gaming Trend reviews REVIEWSToken terrors to-go—D&D Campaign Case: Creatures.
- Reviews from R’lyeh reviews MegaTraveller’s Manhunt and RTG’s Cyberpunk RED.
- Seed of Worlds reviews Petty Gods.
- Signals from Delta Pavonis reviews Ruins of the Lost Realms for The One Ring 2e.
- At, Drew Stevens reviews The Midnight World.
- Strange Assembly reviews Spelljammer: Adventures in Space.
- At EN World, Egg Embry chats with Heather O’Neill of 9th Level Games about Venture Society.
- Geek Girl Authority and Julia Roth talk to Chris Tallman in Tavern Talk.
RPG new releases

- Wicked Studio has released their Ravensrook: A Grimdark Urban Fantasy Setting.
- Vindicated Entertainment has published their story-driven character RPG Otherwords Core Rulebook.
- Pelgrane Press release the 13th Age Drakkenhall: City of Monsters.
- Cubicle 7 release, and have a silver best-seller already with, Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound: Blackened Earth.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $96.96 (68%) with Infinium Game Studios’ IGS Pumpkin Spice Library bundle.
- Save $19.01 (28%) with Modiphius’ Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Starter bundle.
- Save $1.97 (25%) with Elfypunk’s Isles of Storm (Solo) bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Brittany Ferrendi offers up 7 tips to being a better TTRPG player.
- Scott Baird covers One D&D: Lets Players Recreate Dark Sun Races.
- Kate Tremaine writes up 10 Ways D&D has changed since 1974.
- ScreenRant finds the 10 Best Companion Apps For Tabletop Gamers.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- Brutal Urth The Role-Playing Game from Fire Lizard Games LLC pitches An original Prehistoric & Stone Age fantasy TTRPG setting. PF2 and 5e inspired system. Print PDF VTT STL & more are available!
- Stackable Dice Vault, Roll Tray and Spell Tracker STL. from Luke pitches Nice size and portable.
- Christmas Tree Dice Set 2.0 and Light Up Sharp Edged Dice! from Mark Franzen pitches The new, improved version of our best-selling Christmas Tree Dice set along with a first ever premium light up sharp edged resin dice!
- GATE · A Fantasy Trip® RPG Zine from Alvin Helms pitches New and alternative game elements, for players of the old school classic from Steve Jackson Games
- Meanders 5: Heaven & Hell RPG Battlemaps from Kris McDermott pitches Abandon all despair ye needing Halloween RPG Maps – Get biblical with 9 Heaven & 9 Hell maps in this new Meanders map expansion.
- Adventures of Aros – Beginner RPG for Kids and Casuals from Florian H. Azar pitches Adventures of Aros is a great beginner-friendly Fantasy RPG.
Abenteuer von Aros ist ein Anfängerfreundliches Fantasy Rollenpiel. - Castles & Crusades Codex Sinarum from Stephen Chenault pitches The Mythos series brings hosts of gods and heroes, legends and lore to your gaming table. Help us fund Volume 7!
- Minis compatible with D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver Part 1 from Bloody Sword Miniatures pitches Complete enemy and NPC figure pack for D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver Part 1. Available as physical minis OR 3d printable files!
- ORACLE DICE: Sharp edge Resin and Gemstone Dice from Oracle Dice pitches A collection of shimmering sharp edge resin dice and real gemstone dice!
- THE ULTIMATE DICE TRAY from ZES Board Games pitches Increase the randomness of every roll by having the dice bounce off the wall, resulting in total unpredictable outcomes…
- Sneak Attack dice: D6s by Arcanist’s Armory from Sharik L Peck II pitches Roll Sneak Attack in Style with these custom logo d6s! Get your 1″ rogue player coin for backing.
- Joining the Giants 5e (Relaunch) from The Monster Directive pitches A 5e supplement with new Giant Lineages and a new Class empowering your players to become giants for $1 USD each.
- Board Game D20 Delving from Wizard Tower Games pitches The RPG in a box where you and friends try to find the seven relics and make it out alive.
- Evolutionary Foundations from Zen Gaian Games pitches Pathfinder 2E Compatible product adds new options each major components from the Core Rulebook
- Thing in the Water – A Dash RPG from Dozenbeer pitches A TTRPG about an isolated setting in which the players investigate and possibly eliminate the thing, beast or monster in the waters.
- Planet Pioneers: The Unofficial 5e Planet Exploration Module from Gage Stowell pitches These are a series of one-shots where as a team you are sent down to the planet to gather resources and fend off hostile contacts!
- Shining Forest Relaunch from Siren Miniatures pitches 5e adventure (1-3 lvl) based in fairytale setting.
- The Palace of 1001 Rooms, Chapter 7: The Underworld Crypts from Michael Grayson S pitches A fully illustrated, D&D rules semi-agnostic, 5e compatible, OSR mega-dungeon RPG of unprecedented scale.
- Exotic Equipment Perks from Justin Handlin pitches A collection of new perks for your 5th edition equipment! Your choice of weapons and armor will matter with these unique features!
- THE GASHWHIFFER GOBLINS OF CACKLE MINE from 13th Warlock pitches The Warlock’s Guide to Decadent Denizens & Dastardly Destinations: A Role Play Supplement for 1E & 5E Games
- Maera: A 5E Compatible Fantasy RPG Campaign Setting from Ben Holsclaw pitches Enhance your adventures on the island of Maera with new creatures, class options, spells, and much more!
- SIDEQUEST Annual 1 from Icarus Games pitches A year of 5e content available in print for the first time.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.