YouTuber and cosplayer Ginny Di has released a Christmas musical with a tabletop RPG theme. It’s called TPK Carol, and if you’re not familiar with the acronym, you’re lucky. TPK stands for Total Party Kill, and that’s when all the heroes in the game die.
Imagine if Gandolf and the Hobbies went into the Mines of Moria, and none of them came out alive? That would be Lord of the Rings over. Frankly, TPKs are unwelcome and awkward, and that makes it an excellent juxtaposition for a merry Christmas carol.
We’ve had Ginny Di plenty of times on the blog before. There have been other D&D style comments such as Ginny Di’s library of witticisms or cosplay like this Centaur.
In fact, and to brag, Geek Native was one of the first sites to cover her. The oldest post I can find is now more than 10 years old with the Harry Potter sex song, yes, that’s a thing, with Walk of Shame. Ginny showed talent and potential then and, golly, did she step up to the challenge!