Gnome Made Games’ Demiverse funded on Kickstarter in less than two days. It’s a campaign setting of up to 50 different but loosely connected planes or demiplanes. There will be two versions of the setting, one for 5e and another for the RPG “Those Who Wander“.
Geek Native has a multi-page writing sample to share as an exclusive preview. It’s not formatted; the campaign is still collecting funds after all but does showcase the writing talent and imagination of the diverse creative team.
You can see the latest totals or join the campaign from the project page.
There’s a lot to play for as the final book could be anywhere between 20 and 200 pages. At the very least, four illustrated and realised demiplanes will be published, but as stretch goals tumble, that total approaches 50 demiplanes.
And stretch goals are being met.
The team includes Rue Dickey, Cat Elm, Alex J Greer and Adam Hancock. It’s Hancock heading the Safe Harbor demiplane, which Geek Native has a sample of below. He is one of the authors of Those Who Wander and a platinum bestseller at DriveThruRPG.
Everything was going more or less as it had for millions of millennia when suddenly the unthinkable happened. The multiverse, uh, kinda exploded. The fractured realities were sent hurtling (fifth-dimensionally) sometimes combining and reforming in a dizzying number of ways.
Once the dust settled, all that remained were demiplanes, strange fragments of reality the largest of which are only a few thousand square miles and the smallest of which is reported to be a five-foot dungeon tile, if you can believe it.

A pledge of $20 will unlock a PDF copy of Demiverse for either Those Who Wander or D&D’s 5e. $30 will get you one of each.
Alternatively, $30 will get you a softcover or hardcover print of either the 5e or Those Who Wander books with shipping to be worked out later. These come with free PDF copies.
$50 is a high enough pledge to get physical copies of everything, yet there are still higher tiers.
The estimated delivery is April 2022.
Demivere Preview: Safe Harbor sample
The birthplace of a mysterious religion that sprang up around a literal piece of heaven.
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