Hello from Storm Eowyn. Geek Native HQ is by the coast, on a cliff face, but we’ve not been too battered by the strongest storm in the UK for years.
Steamforged Games: Lead TTRPG designer Richard August leaves the company
While at Steamforged, Richard steered projects such as the RuneScape Kingdoms RPG and Dark Souls.
Steamforged leads Iron Kingdoms: Strangelight Workshop to D&D and Kickstarter success
The new standalone game of occult and weird investigation in the steampunk world will use D&D’s 5e system. You can see progress, with about a week on the clock, on the pitch page.
Strangelight Workshop TTRPG: Steamforged move swiftly with Iron Kingdoms
Set in the Iron Kingdoms, supported by Privateer Press and with the original lead designer Matt Goetz will attached, Strangelight Workshop is a standalone game of otherworld and occult investigation.
Steamforged take control of Warmachine and Iron Kingdoms
This project is a perfect, logical fit for us. Almost every aspect of Steamforged’s history can be traced back to Warmachine in some way or another.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #247
It’s not even the start of the month, but there’s Patreon news thanks to the awesome Terry Maranda.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #246
TTRPG news! Discworld RPG returns, Doctor Who expands, Warhammer grows, Pathfinder updates, Cypher Tools coming, Daggerheart seeks playtesters, and a Mimic-fueled D&D surprise.
Are IP licenses cringe? A Resident Evil: The Board Game interview with Steamforged Games’ Sherwin Matthews
The Resident Evil fandom has a real thirst for more content for their favourite series, and our games have certainly proven to capture the experience of Resident Evil in a way that scratches that itch(y tasty).
Here’s what in Steamforged Games and the Bundle of Holding’s encounters epic
Steamforged Games have some big license RPGs like Dark Souls and have been steadily publishing Epic Encounters for 5e for the traditional Dungeons & Dragons experience.
Steamforged Games and Kickstarter’s partnership is potentially dangerous and potentially good
This partnership with one of our biggest tabletop games publishers is a testament to the fact that Kickstarter can be part of an ongoing business model that works beyond initial success.