The Great American Witch RPG is a Kickstarter project by Christopher Grey which puts players in the role of witches and those witches into secret covens.
The campaign has 10 days, at the time of writing, and a modest goal of $650. There’s currently more than $7,000 pledged from 470 backers. So, it’s going well. You can see the latest total on the campaign page.
Some of the artwork in the trailer is used in Esoterica. I found at least one as a stock image and so hopefully that’s where it all came from.
The game is adapted from The Great American Novel RPG which was a nominee in the Indie Groundbreaker Awards.
The pledge approach is as straightforward as you can get. There’s only on tier; $15 gets you the PDF and Mobi digital edition and a coupon code to allow premium hardcover printing at cost.
Witches in the game aren’t always witches from pop culture or folklore. Here’s a sample of the covens;
- Coven of the Divine
- Coven of the Hearth
- Coven of the Inverted
- Coven of the Oracle
- Coven of the Storm
- Coven of the Sleepers
- Coven of the Town
- Coven of the Veil
- Coven of the Whispers
Each coven has a different method to fight the supernatural and a different emphasis.
Grey says the game combines traditional crunchy RPG mechanics with storytelling.