Onyx Path has They Came from Beneath the Sea on pre-order, a sign of a Kickstarter success. So it’s time for developer Matthew Dawkins to move on to the next Storypath b-movie project.
They Came from Beyond the Grave! takes the b-movie horror movie RPG to the 1970s. It’s described as dramatic, hammy and horrifying that encompasses the shock, terror, eroticism and humour of the genre. Onyx Path asked backers to find $20,000 for the project and, 1 day in, there’s more than $25,000 pledged. You can follow the details on the campaign page.
A pledge of $5 will get you access to the manuscript preview, that’s a good way to see if you like the game before the reviews come out, but it takes $25 to get a PDF copy of the main rules and the accompanying “quip and cinematic” cards.
$30 will get you the same as well as “at cost” print-on-demand coupons for both the cards and the main rules at DriveThruRPG.
Alternatively, if the point of backing the Kickstarter is for you to get a traditional print-run copy of a hammy horror RPG, then that’s $55.

Onyx Path has plenty of experience with Kickstarters, and the print edition is not due until December 2021. 18 months feels entirely realistic a deadline for publication.
They Came From Beyond the Grave will include all the Storypath system you need (chapters three and four) to play as this is a standalone RPG. Archetypes you can play are people like The Dupe, The Hunter, The Mystic, The Professor and The Raconteur. Villains range from stalking killers, Dracula and even possessed dolls.