Catch up time! Mr Root is supervising our weekly round-up of RPG industry news from this site and around the internet.
This week Geek Native launched a new column. RPG Publisher Spotlight and shone the light on Rite Publishing. There’s a possible $10 worth of DriveThruRPG vouchers for one lucky reader. The purpose of the Spotlight is to keep smaller publishers in the news and encourage people to check out their games. To be a contender for the $10 then all you need to do is check out some of Rite Publishing or, to really boost your chances, tell us about one of their games you really like.
The other significant bit of news that doesn’t fit the regular format is the Warhammer 40K TV show. It’s being made by the team that did Man in the High Castle, and that seems like a good fit given that the future of mankind in Games Workshop’s world is grim and fascist. We already know the story; It’s Eisenhorn.
That’s the intro so now it’s time to get on with the news! If there’s anything you think we should have mentioned, then please let us know in the comments. Need a catch up on the catch-ups? You can whizz through previous Routinely Itemised: RPGs round ups.
RPG news from Geek Native
- We calculated that this year’s Christmas in July RPG sale is worth about $100,000 in discounts. Wow.
- It’s nearly the ENnies so we built this ENnies dashboard to help you navigate the nominees.
- Studio Agate started to fulfil Fateforge even before the Kickstarter finished. You can now get the 5e Spellcaster’s Guide for free.
- We talked to Danielle Lauzon about Scion: Dragon and talked about how to add them to your game or whether you should.
- The Lord of the Rings RPG cover revealed happened and it looks lovely.
- Handiwork Games gave us a preview of more of their Scarred Lands Creature Collection monsters as well as a look as their edge-colouring system for the book.
- Tabletop Kickstarters are getting very good at getting your money. They’re twice as likely to succeed than fail.
- The countdown is on for several Bundle of Holding offers. This week we looked at Tiny Dungeon and Conan.
- Cubicle 7 also found time to show us a little more of Soulbound with this Knights-Incantor preview.
RPG news from around the web

- Cubicle 7 announced the release of Ubersreik Adventures: The Mad Men of Gotheim on DriveThruRPG.
- Pazio keeps their Pathfinder 2 previews coming and talk about Scrolls, Spells, and Swords.
- Here’s an unusual one: Carly Rae Jepsen inspired one of the best tabletop RPGs of the year, says Benjamin Cook.
- RTG shared their Gen Con 2019 plans. This knowledge may be useful if you are predicting a fight to get hold of Cyberpunk RED.
- Green Ronin’s Malcolm Sheppard tells us about Threefold’s Sodality.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- The Genre Police stayed surreal and looked at techniques to generate RPG ideas.
- Would use a punishment table for players who got distracted by Facebook during the game?
- Here are 4 ways to get D&D style stat blocks for your homebrew.
- Over at Dungeon Solvers, Eldadres talks about Ruling Yourself Into a Corner and How You Can Escape it.
- Kim has a great piece on Food and DnD over on Master the Dungeon.
- Draconick asks a scary question: Am I qualified to GM?
- Letters to New and Veteran Dungeon Masters by Mike Shea at Sly Flourish is worth a read.
- If you’re just starting D&D should you buy the Essentials Kit or use the Starter Set?. A good question and it’s tackled by Jonathan at DnD Duet.
RPG Crowdfunding

As is always the case, you can whiz through Geek Native’s write-ups of hand-picked crowdfunding campaigns in Kickstarter Watch.
- A documentary about Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars is having a good attempt to raise $60,000.
- The Barbarians of the Ruined Earth is a fantasy post-apocalyptic RPG inspired by Thundarr the Barbarian.
- A fantasy module for more game systems than you can shake a stick at. It’s DD3 The Misty Halls of Kalávorka.
- Out of the Box: Encounters for the 5th Edition shows that the Nerdarchy projects just keep getting better.
- The return of the ezine as Delayed Blast Gamemaster #2 Kickstarts.
- Richard Iorio and jim pinto need your money.
What are your news highlights from the RPGscape this week?