9th Level Games have a Kickstarter alert page live for Venture Village. The Polymorph powered RPG is intended therapeutic and focused on social-emotional learning and wellness in children.
In particular, it’s aimed at children aged 5 to 15.

Social-Emotional Learning is a codified thing, defined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and has four main focus areas. They are;
- Communication – providing and understanding language to understand and be understood.
- Emotional Wellness – identifying and managing emotions successfully and healthfully cope.
- Social Awareness – acknowledging teamwork, knowing how decisions impact others.
- Personal Strengths – recognising the traits you possess.
9th Level says;
The boxed game will come with a guidebook for educators, therapists and parents to run the game for their groups. One of the foundations of the game is that each adventure will be less than 45 minutes and there will be at least one non-dice rolling encounter: a physical jigsaw puzzle, a maze, a coloring page, co-operative word search, etc. This will bring the players back to the table and allow educators, therapists and parents to insert specific lesson plans or activities of their own.