Realmwalker creates sounds.
In particular, if you’re running D&D or another tabletop RPG and you’re looking for a long piece of background sound, something that doesn’t repeat on a short loop but which will last to the end of the scene, Realmwalker creates sounds for you.
I can’t find Patreon to support or mention, or even Realmwalker sound files to buy from DriveThruRPG, and the only sign of monetisation I’ve spotted is the occasional pre-roll YouTube ad.
The creator notes;
Be it for tabletop roleplay games, academic studies, sounds to read to or sounds to fall asleep to, my hope is that these soundscapes will help immerse you, as I myself have been immersed.
<strong>Jump to the track you want;</strong>
Here then are Realmwalker’s current hour-long sound effect tracks to play during your RPGs;
Blacksmith’s shop
This journey into sound is accompanied by a cinematic of a forge. A hammer lays still on the anvil while a fire gently flickers in the background. Realmwalker calls it a “shop”, but this is the sound of bellows and hammers.
Forest Campfire
The video is a montage of clips from an actual campfire out in the woods. Like the Blacksmiths Shop, this is mainly sound effects, unlike the Song of the Sands, which is more about the music.
Haunted House
The haunted house is a mixture of background sounds like chirping insects with faint traces of musical sounds. The video is also a mix, sometimes showing real-life scenes, sometimes computer animation.
Ship at the Sea
There is no need for music here, the sea makes plenty of sounds with crashing waves, and the ship itself creaks with wood. The video shows computer-rendered images of an old ocean-crossing vessel.
Song of the Sands
An endless desert and barren peaks, this video is full of tension with drums played against clips of rolling storms, peaks of dunes and dramatic skies.
A sixth video, the Halls of the Academy, is also available but Realmswalker has disabled video embedding.
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