Handiwork Games have shared an art preview from their upcoming 5e-powered Beowulf RPG and confirmed the game will be ready this month. Print books, which take longer, of course, are estimated for March.
Beowulf has been designed with duet play in mind. One GM and one player.
The 256-pages of rules and art adapt the traditional D&D experience to tell epic tales for just one hero. The game introduces new style companions and is based on what might the oldest story in Europe; Beowulf.
An art preview of the game includes work from Jon Hodgson, Scott Purdy and Jan Pospisil.
Spooky Warrior
Fight Like a Girl
Dragon of the Air
The Sacred Grove
An introduction to Beowulf RPG, The Hermit’s Sanctuary is a free download on DriveThruRPG and an ENnie nominee.
The Hermit’s Sanctuary has been so well received, in fact, that Handiwork Games went the extra mile to make it available as a print-on-demand softback (which isn’t free).
Beowulf raised nearly £40,000 on Kickstarter, from around 850 backers and gave January 2021 as the estimated delivery. That puts the project more or less on track, with a slight, no doubt lockdown induced, delay on the print books.
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