Trends in cosplay tend to say less about just cosplayers specifically and more about what is generally popular with the majority of attendees at the convention. Here’s what is hot right now in late 2021.
Your Marvel Studios phase 4 and Disney+ at a glance
Here’s what Marvel Studios and Disney+ have planned for superheroes in the next few years.
WandaVision trailer shows classic Scarlet Witch and Vision costumes
Marvel says the show is a “blend of classic television” and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The two characters, Wanda Maximoff and Vision, begin to realise that not everything is at it seems.
The Marvel phase 4 timeline
Plotting the current release schedule on to a timeline gives us a Marvel future that looks a bit like this.
Marvel superhero origins poster
[I need this] This poster is a dramatic team effort from Marvel Comics and Pop Chart Lab. The poster is 24″ by 36″ and with hard-illustrated comic strips shows the exciting origins of a ton of major Marvel heroes. Black Panther? Yup! Moon Knight? Hu-huh! Even Squirrel Girl.
Loki messes up this Marvel super dads infographic by being a mother
Father’s Day has been and gone, but UK reward site MyOffers which gives members points for doing competitions and buying stuff is still out there putting their Marvel super dads infographic out there. And why not? This look at the 616 universe shows connections between heroes and villains, big names and small, that you might […]
Check out Vision in the third Age of Ultron trailer Marvel doesn’t entire drop the sob story for the third trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. There’s plenty of Avengers angst in this with them emotionally beating themselves up… rightly so, I’d suggest, for creating such a monster. We get a little more of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Then, just when you think […]
Who is Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron?
Joss Whedon has announced that the next Avengers film will be out in the summer of 2015 and will be called Age of Ultron. That’s great but who is Ultron? Marvel have just completed a comic book series called Age of Ultron and I’ll admit that I stopped reading after just one. It didn’t grab […]
Cute DC and Marvel counterparts
This is an excellent collection of art and insight by Darren Rawlings. He’s partnered up DC and Marvel heroes so that… well, so that they’re good counterparts. It strikes me as a good exercise for when you’re stuck on a plain, train or in an automobile. You pick a DC hero and you pal has […]