How many different actors have played Superman? Have there been more Wonder Woman actresses than Hulk actors? Some of the answers might surprise you. I certainly found more than a few interesting discoveries in this ‘many faces’ infographic. Let us know what you think in the comments below or visit a random superhero posted with […]
Check out Vision in the third Age of Ultron trailer Marvel doesn’t entire drop the sob story for the third trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. There’s plenty of Avengers angst in this with them emotionally beating themselves up… rightly so, I’d suggest, for creating such a monster. We get a little more of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Then, just when you think […]
Cute DC and Marvel counterparts
This is an excellent collection of art and insight by Darren Rawlings. He’s partnered up DC and Marvel heroes so that… well, so that they’re good counterparts. It strikes me as a good exercise for when you’re stuck on a plain, train or in an automobile. You pick a DC hero and you pal has […]
Interview with Cavemaster’s Talzhemir Mrr
Talzhemir Mrr is the co-creator of the RPG Quicksilver and the MMOG Furcadia. More recently, Mrr worked with Jeff Dee on the stonepunk RPG Cavemaster which has been picked up by Chronicle City. Talzhemir has kindly agreed to a Q&A interview with Geek Native to discuss Cavemaster. How would you describe “stonepunk” as a genre […]