Drama again this week with attack lawyers dispatched against Wizards of the Coast, hassles over Kickstarters at Dragonmeet and confusion and concern over the direction Kickstarter itself might be taking.
UFO Press merges into Rowan, Rook and Decard
UFO Press may be best known for the post-apocalyptic Legacy game, the second edition of which was published three years ago, but there is a string of successes since then.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #94
In this week’s RPG news round-up, we have pre-orders on a giant dragon “mini”, the Fallout 2d20 RPG, a Scion RPG TV series and Free League Publishing converting Symbaroum to D&D’s 5e.
Surviving a reality twisting apocalypse: Legacy – Life Among the Ruins
[Back this Campaign] Legacy is a post-apocalyptic RPG with a twist. The twist is that players take on the role of one character and one family. The game has built-in support for multi-generational play. Once you short out the dramas and dangers of the age, Legacy provides rules to see what happens next, how Families […]