A porcine faerie of the darkest kind. Her hut drags itself along like a slug. The centipede-bodied Grumblewyrm shares her taste for the flesh of dwarves.
Short film: The Brightest Star
Tompswell, the Finland-based animator, is the talent behind the award-winning The Brightest Star. It’s the story of a kid who falls into a cave.
How Covid and speculative evolution creature design led to a 5e bestiary
This sort of evolutionary ruleset became a tool for world building like I never experienced.
Are these the warmest monsters in your bed?
Do you know who invented microwavable soft toys? Philip Gannon did, and he also founded Intelex Group in 1995.
These mimic dice are marvellously spooky
With Halloween coming up, I’ve been nosing around spooky dice like the giant Eyes of Chaos and stumbled on Doldols’ Chest Mimic D20s.
This freaky cool spider Mimic chest will guard your dice and jewellery
We’re used to fighting Mimics on the way to get loot but what about using a Mimic to protect yours?
A Worldwide Tour of the boogeyman: Scared kids don’t learn
The Boogeyman is a mythical creature adults use to frighten children into good behaviour.
Hunt and eat monsters: Wilderfeast RPG (and cookbook)
The One Land is not an easy place to live. It is littered with both the bones of extinct species and the ruins of fallen civilizations. But after each apocalypse, something new and green grows from the ashes.
Bloat Games goes weird retro with Greasers & Ghouls RPG
Greasers & Ghouls is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game set in a small town in the 1950s. Players take on the roles of normal high school-aged teens, who encounter B-movie monsters lurking in the shadows, all while trying to go to high school, the drive-in, and still make it to the sock hop dance.
I’m going to pieces over these D&D jigsaw puzzles
Clarkson Potter Publications have found one of my favourite Mimic illustrations for their mini jigsaw puzzle.