Imagine an RPG bestiary that grew by itself, with more monsters added in time and at no extra cost?
Inspired by Phil Reed, the art director and Kickstarter guru at Steve Jackson Games, Gildor Games are bringing Living Nightmares to, well, undying life.
Gildor Games aren’t saying Phil Reed is a living nightmare and is crediting him, instead, with the idea of each sales achievement unlocked at DriveThruRPG triggering additional content for the PDF book. Currently, the $2.99 Elemental RPG book of horrors is a copper medal bestseller.
We’ve looked at something similar on Geek Native back in 2019 and with Ordoalea Publishing testing buyfunding.
For Living Nightmares, Gildor say;
If you buy the book now, you only pay the current price of $2.99 and get the twelve monsters currently included. If more monsters get added in the future, simply download the updated version of the book at no extra charge. We’ll send you an email to let you know when a new version is available (make sure you allow Gildor Games to send you email via DriveThruRPG), or you can check back here periodically.
The initial release has monsters like The Plague Dragon, Bone Blight, and giant Atlachnean Spider.
Living Nightmares for Elemental
Geek Native has kind permission from Gildor’s JM to show some of the interior pages.