DnD Mini.com is a new eCommerce site from WizKids that’s been launched in D&D branding, with Wizards of the Coast’s permission.
The store has a minimum order of $9.99 and offers free shipping on orders over $50. It’s easy to spend that much on minis. Right now, DnDMini caters to the market in the United States, but the promotion video encourages the rest of the world to look out for announcements.
Minis are big. It just takes a glance at the Kickstarter total of a successful wargame in comparison to a successful RPG to see the difference. Despite its wargame origins, D&D is likely to remain a skirmish game but centrepiece figures like Rime of the Frostmaiden’s Chardalyn Dragon costs $80 and the pre-order on Arveiaturace – Gargatuan white dragon will set you back $100.
DnDMini lets gamers shop by storyline; narrowing down to titles like Eberron – Rising from the Last War, Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus or the Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica.
Alternatively, customers can shop via the following categories;
- Icons of the Realms
- Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures
- Premium Painted Figures
- Special Edition Sets
- D&D Games
- Idols of the Realms
- Lifestyle PRoducts
- D&D Accessories

There are some early reports of users struggling with the site, getting prices to show, or the contents to load at all on Android devices; however Geek Native was unable to recreate any of these bugs. Ecommerce is challenging and a site it’s always at its worst on launch, typically issues are sorted out in due time.