The Gongfarmer’s Almanac is a Dungeon Crawl Classics community project and published by Goodman Games.
Fans and writers of the popular OSR title write the zine, edit and illustrate it and it’s always free or made available at cost.
In normal years, to be part of the debut of the Gongfarmer’s Almanac yearly release you would have to be a Gen Con. This year, you can download it for free from DriveThruRPG.
There are two versions of the download;
- Print Quality (300dpi / 100MB)
- Mobile Friendly (72dpi / 35MB)
16 full volumes of RPG material and adventures make up the giant download. They are;
Volume 1: DCC Adventure Time #1
- Blood Diamonds of the Chaos Cult (Level 0)
- The Second Time Around (Level 0)
- Honi Soit Baba (Level 1)
Volume 2: DCC Adventure Time #2
- 7 Beauties (Shudder Mountains Level 1)
- Dead Dragon Peak (Level 1)
- Hoard of the Metal Goddess (Level 1)
Volume 3: DCC Adventure Time #3
- Loose Change (Level 1)
- Down The Rabbit Hole (Level 1)
Volume 4: DCC Adventure Time #4
- Descent Into The Underhive (Level 1)
- Contemplation of the Dust (Level 1)
- Shrine of Noctys (Level 1)
- Noctys (Patron)
Volume 5: DCC Adventure Time #5
- The Inn in the Forest (Level 1-2)
- Beyond the Diamond Veil (Level 2)
- Get Off Ye Wrasses (Level 3-4)
Volume 6: DCC Adventure Time #6
- B Mine (Level 4-6)
Volume 7: Character Classes
- Human
- Peasant
- The Fowl Summoner
- Martial Grandmaster
- Tarantino Elf
- The Hive Master
- Barbearian
Volume 8: Character Class – Styles & Rules
- Creating Non-Level 0 Characters
- Adding Character to Your Class
- The Training Montage
- A Little Bit of Magic for Everyone Else
- Runelords in DCC
- Patron Bond Vision Quest Rules
Volume 9: Axes, Beasts, and Collections
- Weapons With Which to Drive Thine Enemies
- Another Man’s Trash
- Monstrous Encounters
- Animal-Men Generator
- Farmyard Familiars: A New Option for Finding Familiars
Volume 10: NPCs, Hamlets, Towers, and Babies?!
- Poonchucker Dan: King of the Hooks
- Tower of the Manticore
- Hamlet Happenstances
- Character Occupations for Skill Checks: A Primer at Level 1
- Diaper Crawl Classics
Volume 11: Dark Trails – Yee-haw! #1
- Going to the Crossroads
- Cornstalk Boogeyman (Level 1)
- Uncle Silas (Level 1)
- Dark Trails Character Sheet
Volume 12: Dark Trails – Yee-haw! #2
- Cough Drops
- Into the Forest Primeval (Level 1)
- Armillamycetes, The Mycelial Master (Patron)
Volume 13: MCC – Cataclysm Adventures
- Moremen: The Mutants with More
- Moremen, More Problems (Level 1-3)
- Dead Man’s Hand (Level 2)
- Spaced Out (Level 2)
Volume 14: MCC – Mutants & Machines
- Scholar (Character Class)
- Mastermind (Character Class)
- Insectaur (Character Class)
- Geologian (Character Class)
- MCC: Items Found in the Dwellings of the Ancients
- Datum of the Computarchs
- Wetware of the Rock Gods
Here’s those download options again;
- Print Quality (300dpi / 100MB)
- Mobile Friendly (72dpi / 35MB)
Check the comments below to see what readers have to say.