Today’s TTRPG news round-up coincides with a computer deployment mistake that caused governments worldwide to have emergency meetings. Ah, pen and paper, eh?
Here’s the hot-fix of TTRPG summary summaries!
- Wizards of the Coast has a new boss.
- Saturday 20th is DCC Day.
- Modiphius will publish Space: 1999 The Roleplaying Game
- D&D 2024 will be sold at Gen Con
- The Christmas in July sale is on.
It’s not all about big TTRPG publishers though! This week, barely halfway through July, we’ve pushed the RPG Publisher Spotlight with The OG GM Adventures.
We’ve not yet but might write up that Christmas in July tabletop RPG sale. There’s up to 80% off and some hero bundles. In previous years, I’ve worked out how many titles were included and which games offered the most significant savings. Is it worth doing again?
In the Discoveries section of this Routinely Itemised article, we have an article from Polygon which argues the joy has gone out of TTRPG crowdfunding. Do you feel that? Does it apply to discounts and bundles, too?
On with the news!
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RPG news from Geek Native
- As D&D turns 50, Wizards of the Coast gets a new President in the shape of the ex-Blizzard commercial partnership boss John Hight.
- We wrote up the SDCC highlights.
- The Bundle of Holding returns to a world with Stars Without Number.
- In Humble, there’s a RuneQuest deal.
Spotlight: The OG GM Adventures
RPG news from around the web

- Paizo shares information on Starfinder Playtest: Demos, Pregens, and Playtest Scenarios!.
- Saturday is DCC Day from Goodman Games, and you find if your FLGS is taking part with this Store Locator.
- It’s due out on August 2nd and Edge Studios have written up What Makes the Arkham Horror RPG Unique.
- I’m an old British geek, so I’ve heard of Space: 1999, and now Modiphius will publish Space: 1999 The Roleplaying Game.
- You can get D&D 2024 early as 3000 Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbooks Will Be At Gen Con 2024.
- Here’s a sneak peek at the D&D LEGO minifigs.
- The world’s largest geeky convention, Lucca, will run an exhibition for Gateway To Adventure: 50 Years Of D&D Art.
- Gaming Trend’s Chris Wyman wrote up Dungeons and Dragons Classic Module Dice Sets from Beadle & Grimm’s .
- Quest’s End Whiskey’s next D&D class tipple is out soon as the the Warlock.
- Surprising no one who reads this blog, academics now confirm that playing TTRPGs is good for your mental health.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Reviews from R’leyh looks into Critical Role’s Fear in the Fairelands.
- Throat Punch Games reviews The True OSR – Obsolete Shi**ty Rules.
- At Gnome Stew, Jared Rascher reviews Shawn Tomkin’s Sundered Isles.
- What Do I Know About Reviews has a series of posts on Quests from the Infinite Staircase, and this week we’ve tracked part four, part five and part six.
- Flames Rising also has a look at Quests from the Infinite Staircase.
- Austin King, not to miss out, also reviewed the book, calling it “A cool way to check out older adventures”.
- Guess which WotC book the Bell of Lost Souls reviewed when they said The Boss Fights Keep Coming.
- In the spotlight at Bell of Lost Souls there’s Kids on Bikes.
- At EN World, Charles Dunwoody has an interview with Kobold Press boss Wolfgang Baur.
RPG new releases

- Gnomebot Studios has published a rules-light one-shot specialist GRIT Fantasy RPG.
- Award-winning Critical Kit has published the solo RPG Crowthulhu.
- LunaBear asks “What if ‘The Thing’ took place in a dwarven mine?” and released The Mine of Vile Echoes.
- TLHP Games has released the Pre-Columbian RPG YANA HUANCA.
- Gaming Ballistic has published a sourcebook for The Fantasy Trip called Isle of Sedra.
- Stillfleet has published a game where you a Pilgrim sentenced to search for the cure to undeath in a game called Danse Macabre: Prima Mors.
- Legendary Games has released the Pathfinder/Starfinder 2e Mythos Monsters and Mechanical Monsters.
- In physical pre-orders and new TTRPG releases, Forbidden Planet and other bricks and clicks retailers have;
RPG bundle deals
- Save $20.89 (68%) in Skirmisher Publishing’s Ragnarok: Age of Wolves bundle.
- Save $18.00 (36%) with SoulMuppet Publishing’s Orbital Blues: Tales from the Outlaw Galaxy bundle.
- Save $11.84 (37%) with Ennead Games’ Quick Gen SciFi Collection 2024 bundle.
- Save $3.47 (20%) in the DMsGuild’s Annihilation Hold PDF and Roll20 bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- The Genre Police offered tips on how to deal with The Cameo.
- At Polygon, Charlie Theel argues The magic of tabletop crowdfunding is dying.
- Sly Flourish Mike explains great fiction is how they get ideas for RPGs.
- Hack & Slash weighs in with On “Solving” the action economy, or why hitting a troll is dull.
- On Gnome Stew, Tomas Gimenez Rioja suggests Start your campaign with a wedding.
- CBR has an article on How To Build A Local Community In Dungeons & Dragons.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth mentioning;

- Elder Dice: Fear the Unknown from Infinite Black pitches “New Mythic RPG Sets: Reanimator, Beneath the Mountains of Madness, In the Shadows of Innsmouth, and more. Includes magnetic grimoire!”
- Zula’s laboratory. DnD5e/Pathfinder2e Adventure. (1€) from Chaotic Neutral Visionary nominates “Zula has disappeared! Zula’s tressym is looking for adventurers to help her find her owner. It promises wealth, knowledge and power.”
- A Show of Hands- tabletop RPG from Rhi is working on “Disembodied sentient hands, scurrying around a creepy circus, solving crime! Can be played with nothing more than your hands and a pen!”
- Jester’s Court – A 5e Adventure of Murder, Monsters & Music from Hangry Dwarf Press offers “Jester’s Court is a 5e adventure diving into a murder mystery using a musical mechanic.”
- Paratype from Mars suggests “At the end of the everything, embrace a new insect identity. A TTRPG about giant bugs and the apocalypse. Printed edition and module.”
- Ruins of Ardust for Shadowdark RPG from William Murakami-Brundage pitches “You’re seeking gold and glory in the ancient ruins of Ardust. Hexcrawl, adventures, and optional rules for Shadowdark RPG.”
- Mythic Adventures 3D™ Forest Set made-to-order terrain tiles from Big Dumb Fun Games raises funds for “Made-to-order 3D Forest-themed terrain tiles for your tabletop games! Gridded for compatibility with D&D (DnD) and Pathfinder!”
- HUNT(er/ed) from Meghan Cross crowdfunds “A two player TTRPG about a Hunter and the Monster they are pursuing.”
- Hunters:The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, Tabletop RPG from Ghislain Durocher offers “Join the Rosicrucian secret society and discover a World of the Occult and Paranormal. Protect humanity from paranormal threats-TTRPG”
- Spectacular Shops & Services 2! (5e) from Anthony Woods offers “A spectacular sequel with more drop-in ready shops, inns, taverns, and services for D&D 5e with NPCs, magic items, quests, and more!”
- Adaptable Encounters: Port Cities and Seafaring (5e D&D) from Ready to Play offers “A selection of ready-to-play encounters set in port cities and the open sea scenarios to add to your GM toolbox.”
- Sweet Revenge from Outrider Creative raises funds for “A Fairy Tale Role-Playing Campaign for Perils & Princesses”
- Spring Frost: A Thrilling 5e Adventure from Green Moon Games suggests “Embark on a thrilling 5e TTRPG adventure to save your village from an epidemic!”
- Beyonder Worlds – Galactic Realms Expansions for Anime 5E from Dyskami Publishing proposes “Player options, campaign settings, and monsters – featuring science fiction, mecha action, cyberpunk, urban fantasy, and modern Earth”
- Ahu Tiiko: A Coyote & Crow Expansion from Coyote & Crow Games is working on “A horror and mystery setting expansion book for the Coyote & Crow Roleplaying Game”
- Stone Saga from Lost Haven nominates “Solo Journaling game of Dwarves!”
- Complete Town 2, A D&D Highly Detailed City from James Kay crowdfunds “Dive into ‘Complete Town 2’—a DnD 5e guide to a corrupt port city teeming with crime, secrets, and dark intrigue for your adventures.”
- Lost Tome of Monsters 2 from Andrew Zorowitz submits “Find more pages of the Lost Tome…. Mystery Loot with Metal D20 + Pinature + Encounter Card.”
- Goblins, Gobblers & Veggies – beQuest Miniatures from beQuest Miniatures crowdfunds “Oldschool inspired tabletop miniatures in scale of 28mm. 22 high quality handsculpted white metal spincasts!”
- TTRPG Battle Maps and More! (2024 Edition) from SideQuest20 submits “SideQuest20’s best maps from 2023-2024, available for print-and-play, Roll20, Foundry VTT, and more!”
- 3D Printable Dice Towers – Anniversary Edition from Fantasy3DTabletop proposes “3D Printable Fantasy Dice Tower STLs for Board Games & Tabletop RPGs. Expertly Optimized for Support-Free 3D Printing on FDM Printers.”
- Wizard DnD Dice Set (Part 1) from LunaDice crowdfunds “Exclusive dnd dice set casted in brass for collectors, board and tabletop game enthusiasts.”
- 101 fantasy realm Quests from KingOfGames submits “101 Unique Fantasy realm quests and images”
- Codex of Chance: Random Encounter+ Overhaul for D&D 5E from Logan Miller pitches “A Dungeons & Dragons project that uses 3,000+ creatures to overhaul Random Encounters with Terrain Guides, Survival Mechanics, & more”
- SEASON 2: Chaotic Neutral Plays Dungeons and Dragons! from No Rolls Barred crowdfunds “Help Chaotic Neutral defeat the YouTube algorithm and fund a second season of their D&D Actual Play show!”
- Cursed Orc Stronghold: 3D Printable Terrain, Vol.3 from aMini3DWorld nominates “3D Printable Terrain with Playable Interiors for TTRPGs & Wargames – Optimized for Supportless FDM Printing – Pay What You Want Tier!”
Do you know of an RPG news source that we don’t? Let us know, or leave a comment below.