Wizards of the Coast have released new playtest subclasses. Today’s update is a part two, following on from a project launched last month in which introduced new subclasses for barbarians, monks, paladins and warlocks.
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Subclasses, Part 2 introduces new rules for bards, sorcerers and clerics. You can get these free from Wizards’ website.
College of Creation
A bard subclass.
These bards have gained their powers as a result of the multi-world of extraplanar experiences.
A 3rd-level College of Creature feature is Note of Potential which allows the bard to summon globes of possibility which hang in the air around inspired characters. These notes can be traded in for extra damage, more protection or a reroll of the Bardic Inspiration dice.
At high levels, these bards can use Animated Performance to bring to life nonmagical items and even deploy them in combat.
Love Domain
A cleric subclass.
We’re used to deities having domains like War, Death or even Law… but what about Love? Gods like Hathor, Aphrodite and Freya have been associated with love and in D&D there’s Boldrei in Eberron, Mishakal in Dragonlance, Sune in the Forgotten Realms and others.
A 1st-level Love Domain feature is Emboldening Bond which links two creatures. When in range (30 feet) these creatures get a 1d4 bonus to attack, ability checks or saving throws.
Enduring Unity, at high levels, stretches those bonds over great distances and powers them up. Bonded creatures can even gain advantage on attacks, saving throws, resistance to all damage and the ability to transfer hit points if their partner is reduced to 0 hit points.
Clockwork Soul
A sorcerer subclass.
These sorcerers have some connection to the realm of Mechanus where a godlike being called Primus rules the modrons.
A 1st-level Clockwork Soul feature is Restore Balance which allows the sorcerer to cancel out either an advantage or disadvantage.
At high levels, these sorcerers can use Clockwork Cavalcade to summon a 30-foot cube filled with spirits. Living creatures in this cube at 0 hit points are made stable, damaged objects are repaired, and every spell of 5th level or below on creatures and objects is ended.
Creative Commons credit: Casting a spell by Noxypia.
Update, February 5th: Wizards of the Coast have removed this content.
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