Brian Colin is a creature curator, an artist who creates monsters and develops the fantasy lands of Revilo. He’s used Kickstarter before to fund his ‘Monster Taxidermy’ and is back again with another campaign.
This campaign is to back the evil salazarite and get its head on the wall. These are horrors that live in dark places and attack in swarms.
The full sized head is 9.5” x 7” x 10” and will require a pledge of $125. If you go that high you’ll get a wall mountable, hand painted, resin cast head on a wooden plaque. Half that amount and you’ll get a naked and unmounted head. Smaller objects, like a head with a nickel finish, a pocket watch or a pincher charm, are available for smaller prices.
This campaign has funded. Colin is only asking for $300 and already has well over $1,500. There’s still three weeks, or so, on the clock at the time of writing.
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