True to form; The Onyx Path’s latest 20th-anniversary edition from the World of Darkness series is blistering a path of cash at Kickstarter. The campaign went live a few days ago, asked for $70,000 and funded pretty much straight away. At the time this blog post goes live there’s $265,766 in the bank and 27 days to go.
I’d love to see how much of all these Kickstarter successes The Onyx Path is able to keep for future projects. I’d also love to see the term sheet they signed with CCP/White Wolf.
Mage promises everything. The bits you liked from previous editions of Mage. Not the bits you didn’t like. There will be new material and surprises but only good surprises.
You don’t get the new game until you pledge $35. If you join the ~180 or so at this level then you’ll get a PDF of the 20th Anniversary Edition, a credit and digital wallpaper. If you want a paper copy of the game then you’ll have to get the deluxe edition (but that’s the point of the Kickstarter) and you’ll be joining the ~360 or so who’ve spent $135 (or $160 if you’re not US / Canada) to make that happen.
Has anyone managed to back all of the Deluxe 20th Anniversary Editions? I salute your stamina and wallet!