Infinite Black’s Vast Grimm is a sci-fi based on Mork Borg set in a universe being eaten by worms.
It’s wonderfully awful and bleak. Now, the publisher is back with Into Oblivion to expand the core rules with three new books. There are over 1,000 backers, and the £100k threshold is about to be breached. You can see the latest tally on the pitch page.
The three new books are;
Blood Altared: a multi-adventure campaign with new sub-classes and monsters.
Space Raiders: new classes, factions, and a hex crawl set in “The Graveyard,” a region full of junker ships controlled by a Space Raider faction.
Space Cruisers: includes starship creation rules, space combat rules, and new locations!
Brian Colin is the VP of RPG Development at the publisher and creator of Vast Grimm. He says;
When we released Vast Grimm earlier this year, it was apparent that the core fans wanted more. And they wanted it soon! Additional adventures and starship rules were some of the first expansions asked for, and we wanted to deliver. We also needed a way for our Legionnaires to show off that they are part of our club, which is why we developed the Mission Patch program. Fans will wear these like a badge of honor!
One of the techniques that Infinite Black uses to power its Kickstarters, which I’ve benefited from in the past for my pin badge collection, is merch. Into Oblivion is similarly loaded with goodies.

Backers of this indie RPG who can contribute $19 will get all three PDFs and digital stretch goals in PDF.
Those who can stretch to $22 will get their pick of 48-page hardcover, its PDF and stretch goals.
The Vast Grimm core rulebook is also in this Kickstarter for $29 backers with the PDF and hardback.
$44 gets two books, and $65 for all three. The tiers above add patches, a GM screen, and the Vast Grimm core book again.