Handimonsters is a Patreon from Handiwork Games, the RPG publisher behind Beowulf and the upcoming A|State 2e.

At $3, you get four free monsters a month plus the back catalogue, bonus content and Discord access. Whereas, at $6, you get that plus VTT tokens, digital minis and digital art. The monsters come with complete 5e statblocks and write-ups.
There’s are two new and more traditional retail options this week.
You can buy the 64-page Handimonsters Annual 2022 in PDF for $7.99.
The pre-order is open for the softcover, which costs £12.99 (watch my lazy currency switch there – about $18) and which comes with the PDF for free.
As you’d expect, the annual is a compilation of the monsters from Patreon.
Handimonsters is designed by the Adventures in Middle-earth and Ruins of Symbaroum vet Jacob Rodgers. Art is by Scott Purdy, who’s worked on D&D, Pathfinder and Beowulf, while Handiboss, Jon Hodgson, who has worked on many significant projects including D&D, Warhammer and others, is involved. Paul Bourne did the layout. So, it’s a professional job!

Handimonsters Annual 2022 is the first of its kind and, in 5e-terms, features monsters like the subterranean knackers of CR 1/4 to the Dragon of Dreams with CR 20.
Quick Links
- Buy now: Handimonsters Annual 2022.
- Patreon: Handimonsters.