Shardstone Assembly’s SCAVENGER is a Kickstarter that’s running late, it was due out in print years ago. But, it is running and I think the books will arrive in due course.

The core rules SCAVENGER: Nomads of Uncharted Worlds has been out for a year and is reviewing well.
The SCAVENGER Quickstart is now available for the curious as a free download and offers 14-pages of the game.
It’s a 5e campaign world where the characters are, you guessed it, scavengers. There are two worlds in it; the bronze age Akara and the alien Torn. The goal is single-minded, though; survive the extinction of the Cataclysm.
The final book is well over 200-pages long and loaded with art. The Quickstart is a tiny sliver of what’s on offer but goes into the themes of the setting, the unique magic there and cultures.
I backed the project for the art; the physical book looks fantastic.
It’s also possible to buy art prints from the game from, where Shardstone have a gallery, and there’s a sale code “ZICLSB0” to get 20% off.