Risus, one of the first RPGs to push away large rulebooks favouring a single sheet, was bought by Dave LeCompte of Big Dice Games.
Big Dice Games has, according to a statement from S. John Ross, the creator of Risus, agreed to complete the outstanding Kickstarter campaign. There’s only one Kickstarter in S. John Ross’s name on the crowdfunding platform, RISUS Free Adventure Project 2012, which was last updated in 2015.

The new plan is to publish more free adventures and all-new Risus worldbooks.
The statement from Cumberland Games and Diversions, who published Risus, says;
S. John, who has shepherded his creation for 28 years, has overseen its changes from a plain-jane document of the early 90s to a stick-figure festooned one in the 21st century, is proud to see Big Dice Games carrying the torch forward to see the Risus line expand to include entire worlds, more adventures, and more voices from around the world. The Risus community has always been international (the game has been translated into 18 languages besides S. John’s attempts at English), and S. John hopes to see something from everyone. He’s also happy he won’t have to edit them.
Dave LeCompte added;
S. John is one of those creators who do so many things well, it will require many people to fill his shoes. Big Dice Games welcomes the best stick figure art submissions, as well as writing submissions from adventure- and worldbook-authors to provide a breadth of perspectives while staying true to the open-hearted, creative gameplay that Risus gamers expect.”
The Risus collection remains on DriveThruRPG, and anyone who bought copies with has them automatically transferred to the Big Dice Games helmed management for updates.