For about a year now, I’ve been tracking online, offline and new hybrid (best of both) geeky conventions. As with all things Geek Native, the focus is on RPG conventions and tabletop games, but the calendar happily ventures into computer games, comic cons, cosplay and other similar events.
The main calendar is in the usual place. Now, underneath it, you’ll find two new links.
One is for online and hybrid events. It uses Google Data Studio to show the next 10 events and has a case sensitive search engine on the brief “topics” field.
The other is for physical (offline) and hybrid events. It also uses Google Data Studio, but this time the case sensitive search engine looks at locations.
The idea is you can search for a convention near you or an online event starting soon.
There’s also an interactive map, which, sadly, I cannot embed but can show a sample of as a static image below.
As usual, please let me know of any local gaming conventions or similar that could be added or should be removed due to a cancellation. Actual play streams don’t usually count as event unless it’s a considerable charity effort or large enough to count as an online convention.
Geek Native readers may have been able to expand on this post. Scroll down to the comments below to discover what the community has been able to add.