Legendary Games’ now have a bunch of Legendary Planet and other goodies on the new look Bundle of Holding.
The Legendary Planet adventure path is a multi-part sword-and-planet campaign that’s available for both Pathfinder first edition and Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition. It’ll take characters from level 1 to level 20 and through gateways (stargates) to a multiverse of worlds.
The new-look Bundle of Holding has a menu bar across the top that links in the Starter store the site launched last week.
The Legendary Planet bundle is available for three weeks.

Starter Collection – $14.95
The bundle includes 700 and more pages of campaign content which would normally retail for $50.
- Legendary Planet Adventure Path
Bonus Collection
If you beat the threshold price (a weighted average), you’ll unlock a further $37.50 content from Legendary Games.
- Stargates
- Treasury of the Machine
- 6 Legendary Worlds
A portion of the money raised from this bundle goes to support Direct Relief, a charity that is battling the pandemic.